Tuesday, May 14, 2019

House Game Rules Information #2 - Races

House Game Rules Information #2: Races

  • Elves are of near human height but the same weight. Add 1' on to their base height.
  • Elves are innately pansexual.
  • Elves have pointed ears, but they aren't so long they catch on things. Hair and eye color depends on sub-race. High Elves are usually blonde or light brown with light blue, green or light brown eyes. Gray Elves have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. Wild elves’ hair color ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. They also have vivid green or amber eyes. Wood Elf hair color ranges from yellow to a coppery red, and their eyes are usually blue or green. Aquatic elves have hair that is usually green or aqua in shade and always have silver eyes. Drow vary immensely from the Elvin norm, and almost always have white or silvery hair and red or violet eyes. Body and facial hair is non-existent among Elves.
  • Gray Elves tend to have washed-out or grayish Caucasian skin. High Elves match the normal human spectrum. Wild Elves tend to have darker skin and frequently have a copper-sheen. While Wood Elves match the human spectrum of color their skin will sometime have a brown or green tint. Aquatic Elves have a myriad of colors to their scales, and Drow Elves will have dusky gray, black or blackish-purple skin.
  • Of all of the Elven sub-races, Gray Elves tend to be very haughty. Wood Elves are the most down to earth, with their egos rarely affecting their behavior. All others fall within the normal spectrum.
  • Elves dislike half-orcs, tend to look on humans and half-elves as being somewhat inferior, view dwarves and gnomes with suspicion and enjoy the company of halflings.
  • Dwarves have round ears. Both males and females grow facial hair, but with the women it's fairly sparse and tends to grow mostly on the jawline. Unlike with Dwarven males, females can (and do) remove the facial hair without worry of mockery or ridicule. Hill Dwarves (also known as Shield Dwarves) have light skin that is fair or lightly tanned and green or silvery blue eyes with long light brown or red hair, growing white or gray with age. Mountain Dwarves often have skin of tones ranging from rocky gray to deeply tanned, and their eyes are usually amber or light brown. Duergar always have granite-colored skin, white or gray hair and white or extremely light-blue eyes.
  • Mountain Dwarves are quite egotistical and materialistic to the point of taking offense far too quickly should it cross their minds to do so. All Dwarves tend to be dour and have a dark sense of humor. Dwarves pride themselves on their ability to drink vast quantities of alcohol.
  • Dwarves hate half-orcs, get along well with humans, genuinely like gnomes, tolerate halflings and half-elves (while keeping them at arm's length) and regularly belittle and insult elves and goblins.
  • Gnomes have round ears, and females have a great fondness for earrings of all sort. The coloration of gnomes varies so wildly that many outsiders assume gnomes commonly use dyes and illusions to change their skin and hair tones. While gnomes are certainly not above cosmetic enhancement (and may wish to change their appearance just to see how outlandish they can look), their natural hues truly range over a rainbow of coloration. Their hair tends toward vibrant colors such as the fiery orange of autumn leaves, the verdant green of forests at springtime, or the deep reds and purples of wildflowers in bloom. Similarly, their flesh tones range from earthy browns to floral pinks, and gnomes with black, pastel blue, or even green skin are not unknown.
  • Gnomes are very good natured, usually looking for the good in most people whenever possible. This doesn't make them naive, however, and they can be implacable foes when pressed. As a race they tend more toward Chaotic Good than Neutral Good.
  • Gnomes tolerate half-orcs, love humans and half-elves, enjoy teasing elves and get along well with dwarves and halflings. They are irritated by goblins, and often see them as nothing but green-skinned copycats.
  • Halflings have delicately pointed ears, much smaller than their Elvin counterparts. They completely match the human spectrum for eye and hair color. While they are fully able to do so, male Tallfoot Halflings rarely grow out their facial hair (but do enjoy long and thick sideburns). Hairfoot Halflings, on the other hand, like to grow out thick but closely-cropped facial hair. Both sub-races and genders of Halfling have hair on the top of their feet and on their calves; with Tallfoot Halflings this tends to be fairly fine, whereas the Hairfoot Halflings nearly have animal fur on theirs.
  • Halflings tend to be homebodies, preferring the comfort of their warm homes to the rigors of adventuring. Hairfoot do tend to be more adventurous on a whole, but even they would prefer a pipe and a blazing fireplace to iron rations and a campfire.
  • Halflings get along well with all other races, but dislike being around half-orcs.
  • Half-Elvin coloration depends on who the mother is. If the mother is the elf then the character will have Elvin coloration. If the mother is the human than the character will have Human coloration. If one of the parents is Drow, then the character will have dark human-toned skin and amber eyes that possess a hint of red. All half-elves have slightly pointed ears that reveal their nature.
  • Half-elves like being around humans more than elves, just because they tend to be more excepting. Half-elves tolerate full elves, but are unwilling to be seen by them as weak or inferior. Half-elves enjoy the company of gnomes and halflings, find dwarves to be sour hearted but endurable, and tend to actually get along with half-orcs (most likely due to their own mixed parentage).
  • Half-orcs appear fairly human, but always have a green tint to their skin and protruding lower canines. Hair color is usually found to be black, dark green or deep crimson. Occasionally mid to dark brown hair can be found, but these individuals are fairly unusual. Eye color usually fits the human norms, but the occasional black, red or deep amber will be found. The sclera usually has a slightly yellow or egg-white tint to it. Dreadlocks are as common among half-orcs as shaven hair is, and they will usually follow their orc parent's habit of weaving in bones, shells, beads or various bits of fallen enemies into their hair.
  • Half-orcs tend to be fairly brutal, and as such most other races tend to tolerate them at best. They get along with half-elves fairly well, seeing them as being rejects to the more "exotic" aspects of their blood as they are. There are the occasional half-orcs that are actually quite friendly or affable, but these are the exception to the rule.
  • Shorter than humans (usually halfling or gnome-sized), goblins have long, pointed ears that tend to jut out horizontally. They usually have black, green or purple hair, although some have been born with exotic colors like blue or red. Eye color is usually amber, gold or brown, but blues and greens have been seen as well.
  • Goblins love to create things like gnomes do, but the things they create tend to break or explode due to the goblin's impatient nature and their desire to get things done as quickly as possible. They tend toward being Chaotic Neutral in nature.
  • Goblins are disliked by most other races. Humans see them as an annoyance, elves and half-elves see them as pests, dwarves and gnomes are often irritated by them and half-orcs see them as expendable. Only halflings try to tolerate goblins, but even this tolerance has its limit.

(All photos are assumed to be the property of their creators)
(The adorable Wood Elf shown is a wonderful artist, and her art can be found here)
(The equally adorable Goblin is a fantastic cosplayer and can be found here)