Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Feat: Immortality (General)

Feat: Immortality

With the DM's permission, you have become immortal. The only way you can die is through damage to your body by way of the elements, combat, etc. This feat may require you to perform some arcane ritual, slay a powerful creature, make a wish, etc.

  • Ageless (Ex): An Immortal creature does not take any penalty from aging and do not die of old age. They do not lose any penalties taken before the acquisition of the feat.
  • Immortal Health (Ex): An Immortal creature is immune to all poison, disease, ability damages, ability drains and fatigue. They also no longer need to sleep, eat, drink or breath.

Please note: This Feat may make some characters fairly OP, so please use caution when granting it.