Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tattooing Skill and Checks

A basic knotwork style tattoo requires a single skill check, has a DC 0f 12 (this will go up or down for different types of tattoos) and will take 1d6 hours, 1 hour minimum. The DC can be raised or lowered by adding or subtracting one hour for every point adjusted on the DC (e.g. 1d6+1 = DC11, 1d6-1=DC13, etc). A successful roll means the person getting the tattoo takes 1d4 non-lethal damage (a sliver of steel in octopus ink hurts) per hour, needs to make a disease check DC10 (failed means a minor infection for 1d8 days, -1 To Hit because of pain) and a new tattoo. A failed check means that the art is screwed up somehow, such as crooked lines, and the damage and disease check still happen. A fumble on the check means a bad tattoo, 1d2 regular damage and a disease check at DC 15. A crit on the check means the tattoo is incredible, and in addition there is no disease check. The 1d4 non-lethal still happens. The best part is that a crit will get you a +1 to Intimidation, Diplomacy or Bluff (depending on what the tattoo is - example: A shark is intimidation, an owl is diplomacy and a raven is bluff) if the tattoo is visible.