Monday, April 10, 2023

Feat - Resist Intimidation

Weather it's bravery, apathy, empathy or just outright stupidity, you are highly resistant to anyone attempting to intimidate you through any means.

Benefit: The DC to intimidate you is 4 higher than normal, and this applies to any and all forms of intimidation.

Yes, you're quite scary (yawn)

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Feat - Perfect Shot

Your skill with ranged weapons is so great now that you can not only fire into melee, you don't have to ever worry about hitting an ally, even on a fumble.

Benefit: If an attack would accidentally hit an ally, the result is simply rerolled until a different result is obtained. You can also never hit yourself with a ranged attack.

Prerequisite: Improved Precise Shot

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Feat - Socially Shrewd

You're very good at guessing what drives a person.

Benefit: The PC gains a +4 bonus to Sense Motive skill checks.

“A cunning fox is better than a senseless leopard.”