Monday, April 22, 2019

New Turn Undead Rules

New Turn Undead Rules

The number of times a cleric may turn undead remains the same. Instead of a vague "turning away in fear," Turning now does actual damage to undead, thanks to the Cleric's connection to their deity.

When a cleric attempts to Turn Undead, the undead are required to made a WILL save with the DC being equal to 10 + Cleric Level + CHA bonus. Succeeding in this WILL save results in 1/2 damage. If the save is failed, the undead will take 1d6 Holy damage per Level of the cleric. If the Cleric has the Sun domain then she may declare it is natural Light damage instead. If she has both domains then she can choose one or the other. The cleric can affect 1 HD of undead per CL.

Instead of damaging undead, an evil cleric will Rebuke undead if the creature makes their saving throw, or Command them if they fail. Bolster Undead works like Turning, but the undead gain 1d6 Hp/Lv of the evil cleric instead.

New Feat: Baneful Turning

Your Turning does additional damage to undead, equal to your Level plus your CHA bonus.

New Feat: Powerful Turning

Your Turning now affects 2 HD of undead per character level instead of 1 HD.

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