Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Síoraí

The Síoraí, pronounced "shee-ree," are a race of immortal humans. They age naturally up to the point they choose to remain at, and are then that age for as long as they choose to live. Although immortal, they can be killed by violence. They never suffer ability score losses due to age. They are also completely immune to disease, poison, etc. They are smarter than normal humans, but are slightly less charismatic due to their absent mindedness, stuffiness or aloofness.

Síoraí possess the following racial traits.

• +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
• Medium size.
• A solarem’s base land speed is 30 feet.
• Immunity to all poison, disease, ability damages and drain
• Síoraí do not take any penalty from aging and do not die of old age
• Automatic Languages: Common
• Bonus Languages: All common bonus languages
• Favored Class: Wizard
• Level Adjustment: +2
• Challenge Rating: +2

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