Monday, February 18, 2019

Attitude Reaction Chart

When a NPC meets a PC, or vice versa, or even PC to PC meeting, this simple chart will supply how the individual feels about the other. This is strictly for humanoids. Reactions for non-humanoids are decided by the DM (e.g. a gryphon meeting a demonic owl, etc).

Attitude Reaction Chart
01-05     Violently hostile, attacks immediately
06-25     Hostile
26-45     Uncertain but prone toward negative
46-55     Neutral, uninterested or uncertain
56-75     Uncertain but prone toward positive
76-95     Friendly
96+      Enthusiastically friendly, immediate acceptance

+1/-1   CHA bonus/penalty point
+1/-1   Same/opposed racial bias
+1/-1   Same/opposed alignment bias
+2/-2   Same/opposed religion bias
+2        Genuinely Likable Feat
-5         Evil Brand vs non-evil alignments

(Thank you to Fionna for suggesting this)

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