Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bonus Experience Points

Bonus Experience Points

Bonus Xp can be earned in a variety of ways. The bonus will be equal to 50 Xp per earned item as listed below multiplied by your level. Example - Timmy earns three of these and is 5th level. That will be a bonus of 750 bonus Xp.

1 - Actively roleplaying as your character for the whole game.
2 - Making sure that the DM is well hydrated and/or fed during the game.
3 - Coming up with interesting or original solutions for problems.
4 - Making the DM genuinely lose his shit laughing.
5 - Contributing food and/or drink (including candy) to the game.
6 - Getting 3 or more Nat-20s in a single game
7 - "What did your character learn this game?"
8 - At the DM's whim

It may seem ridiculous for me to award bonus Xp, but I don't run Xp-heavy games and I want a way to encourage the players to have a good time. Bonus Xp is an easy reward.

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