Sunday, February 17, 2019

Various House Rules

Various House Rules
  • Stats are 4d6, drop the lowest
  • Miniatures are required. If you don't have one then a very silly one will be provided for you to use.
  • Death at negative hit points equal to your Constitution (14 Con = die at –14, etc)
  • Crits don't need to be confirmed - a 20 always hits, a 1 always misses.
  • Fumbles and Criticals utilize the Paizo Game Mastery Fumble and Hit cards. These cards, and their effects, override other rules where applicable. If you don't have the cards then the CriticalRoll App works exactly the same. You can also use the CriticalHit or CriticalFumble skills from Alexa.
  • Critical multiples from the deck are added to the critical multiple for the weapon (i.e. weapon does x2, card gives x3, total is x5)
  • All spellcasters are assumed to always have material components for all spells as long as those components cost less than 100gp
  • Casting time for all spells is one round, unless designated as being longer than that in the spell description
  • A Heal Check (DC 15) heals 1d4 damage, but can only be performed once per physical wound taken.
  • Special abilities must be stated before their use in a round.
  • Diagonal movement does not take up any extra distance per square moved, unless that square contains a mitigating circumstance (rough terrain, etc).
  • Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Religion) may be used to identify a magic item. DC is 15 for Minor, 20 for Medium, 25 for Major and 30 for Artifacts, Relics or Unique items.
  • If a die hits a miniature or scenery when rolled, it must be rerolled (no matter the result). The tabletop does not count as scenery.
  • New skills have been added
    • Craft: Black Powder, Brewing, Constructs, Firearms, Tattooing, Tinker
    • Innuendo (Wis)
    • Knowledge: Elementals, Faerie Lore, Humanoid Biology, Lycanthrope Lore, Navigation, Philosophy, Seafaring, Surgery
    • Profession: Artillerist, Courtesan, Doxy, Maidservant, Merchant, Navigator, Pilot (Ship), Politician, Prostitute, Sage, Surgeon, Tattoo Artist
    • Scry (Int)
    • Sea Legs (Dex)

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