Monday, April 10, 2023

Feat - Resist Intimidation

Weather it's bravery, apathy, empathy or just outright stupidity, you are highly resistant to anyone attempting to intimidate you through any means.

Benefit: The DC to intimidate you is 4 higher than normal, and this applies to any and all forms of intimidation.

Yes, you're quite scary (yawn)

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Feat - Perfect Shot

Your skill with ranged weapons is so great now that you can not only fire into melee, you don't have to ever worry about hitting an ally, even on a fumble.

Benefit: If an attack would accidentally hit an ally, the result is simply rerolled until a different result is obtained. You can also never hit yourself with a ranged attack.

Prerequisite: Improved Precise Shot

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Feat - Socially Shrewd

You're very good at guessing what drives a person.

Benefit: The PC gains a +4 bonus to Sense Motive skill checks.

“A cunning fox is better than a senseless leopard.”

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Feat - Empower the Dead

When you create undead, they are much more powerful than normal and can now move with exceptional speed.

Benefit: When you animate a skeleton or zombie, they will have max HP and a normal Move of 30` with the ability to run.
Normal: Skeletons normally have 6 hp and a move of 30', and zombies normally have 16 hp and a move of 30'. Now human skeletons will have 12 hp, zombies will have 27 and both can take a run action.

Feat - Necromantic Charisma

You innately understand how to control undead, and are able to control more than is normally allowed.

Benefit: You can now control up to 8 HD per caster level.
Normal: Animate dead states that the caster can control 4 HD per caster level of undead.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Feat: Good Judge of Character

You are an good judge of character, and can quickly determine another's nature.

Benefit: The PC must study another intelligent (5+) individual for 1d4+1 rounds while interacting with them in a social manner. He then makes a Gather Information check at a DC of a varying amount, and if successful he gains some insight:
  • DC 10 - Basic mood (happy, angry, nervous, etc)
  • DC 15 - Mood and Class
  • DC 20 - Mood, Class and Morality (good, neutral or evil)
  • DC 25 - Mood, Class, Morality and Ethics (lawful, neutral, chaotic)
Note: Any magic that hides alignment, such as a Ring of Hidden Morality, is also effective against this natural skill.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Race: Tibbit

(By Scott Bennie, DRAGON #135, July 1988, some minor alterations for flavor.)

Tibbits (also known as catweres) are small, humanoid creatures that have the ability to turn into a common house cat. They arose from felines kept as familiars in ages past. The powerful magic that allows a familiar to gain intelligence and magic abilities slowly filtered from one generation of cats to the next. Whether tibbits evolved from a natural process, divine intervention, or a sudden surge in the magic running through their ancestry, none can say. Tibbits have never existed in large numbers, and their tendency to spread across the world leaves them with a fractured, incomplete racial history.

Much like their feline ancestors tibbits exhibit independence, curiosity, and quickness of mind and body. They rarely form communities larger than two or three families, and even these small colonies rarely hold together for more than a few years. Shortly after reaching adulthood, a tibbit develops an intense desire to wander the world and satisfy her racial curiosity. Tibbits can be found wherever humans and other civilized humanoid races have established cities, towns, and colonies. Among humans and other humanoids tibbits usually remain in their cat form. The stray cat that prowls a neighborhood, the mangy cat adopted as a temple's unofficial pet, and the lazy feline always close at hand at the local tavern might be tibbits. Driven by curiosity, tibbits love to remain in their animal form while observing humans.

Cynical observers contend that a tibbit seeks to spy on others. Tibbits hold that they merely like to keep an ear and eye out for any interesting bits of news. Tibbits are typically too chaotic, carefree, and impulsive to work as spies or hired killers. Upon overhearing a group of adventurers talking over a treasure map in hushed tones, a tibbit might be just as likely to shift into humanoid form on the spot and offer to join the adventure as she is to lose interest and chase down a juicy mouse she spotted across the tavern.

Personality: Tibbits, as befits their heritage, are moody, curious, and sometimes arrogant. Many tibbits prefer the comforts of a fine meal (whether a succulent rodent or a five-course feast in the lap of luxury), stiff drink, and a soft couch. Even the most decadent tibbit, however, eventually succumbs to the steady pull of its curiosity. A tibbit might spend years living off the treasures it won in adventure, only to suddenly strike out into the unknown once again. When dealing with others, tibbits show a similar capability to change their attitudes and posture depending on their moods. A tibbit might act relaxed and languid one moment, alert and inquisitive the next. They tend to have a slightly distant, arrogant attitude toward others, as if as a race they share a colossal, secret joke over other intelligent creatures. Still, once a tibbit marks someone as a friend few other creatures match their devotion. A tibbit might complain about a friend's needs or tend toward laziness, but when trouble arises she is a dauntless ally.

Physical Description: In humanoid form, tibbits are small, stealthy people with pointed ears and catlike eyes. Their hair tends to grow thick and long and males tend to grow sideburns. Their skin tones range from a tawny pink to black, but occasionally a tibbit has pure white skin. Their hair color matches the wide range of colors found in house cats, from pure white to striped silver to deep black. In their cat form, tibbits look like chonky but energetic house cats. They appear identical to, and indistinguishable from, any common, domesticated breed.


Relations: Tibbits tend to regard other folk with a detached sense of bemusement. Much of their lore and common wisdom regarding men, dwarves, and elves filters through their guise as house cats. Thus, tibbits see how other races act when they think no one else is around. To a tibbit, every intelligent creature is a bundle of secrets just waiting to unfurl before them.

In general, tibbits find humanity's ambition, drive, and fiery passion intriguing. They consider dwarves overly dour. Elves strike them as kindred spirits, as tibbits appreciate that the long-lived races share a similar tendency to see issues from different perspectives. They adore gnomes and halflings and many good-aligned tibbits adopt such folk. More than one kobold or goblin party has descended upon a sleepy gnome village or halfling caravan only to find an enraged tibbit wizard waiting for them. Gnome and halfling folk who have benefited from such welcome surprises have strong traditions of taking care of stray cats and treating their feline pets as treasured companions.

Alignment: Tibbits have a strong tendency toward chaos and an equally strong lethargy toward moral issues, making the majority of them chaotic neutral. Carefree, decadent, and given to long periods of wallowing in luxury, tibbits can be maddeningly self-centered. Some tibbits tend toward proactive freedom-seeking, marking chaotic good as their second most common alignment. Such tibbits share many of their neutral brethren's tendencies, but a righteous struggle or a chance to spring a trap on evildoers rouses them to action. Evil tibbits, particularly chaotic evil ones, are rare but dangerous. They use their shapeshifting ability to spy on humanoids for information useful for extortion schemes. Many of them work as spies and assassins, as their innocent, feline form makes it easy for them to slip into even heavily guarded areas. After all, even the most alert guard pays little mind to a cat. Some evil tibbits become powerful crime lords, observing their underlings and competitors in cat form and ruthlessly culling those who plot against them.

Tibbit Lands: Tibbits have no lands of their own. Instead, they dwell within civilized territories established by other folk. Any civilization that keeps domesticated cats likely houses colonies of tibbits within its cities. Few tibbits make their identity openly known once they settle in an area. A tibbit is much more likely to remain in cat form as she travels through a city, although she usually keeps a well-hidden, luxurious apartment hidden in an out-of-the-way corner of town. Many tibbits become petty thieves, raiding pantries for fine foods, liquor, and other creature comforts. Tibbits who travel the land might keep their humanoid guise to make dealings with other creatures easier. Even these tibbits prefer to pass themselves off as travelers from other planes, and they rarely publicize their ability to change shape.

Religion: Tibbits pay homage to the Cat Lord, a powerful creature who watches over all felines. They generally lack an organized religion, instead preferring to view the Cat Lord as a big brother figure and protector. Some clerics believe that tibbits are simply too arrogant and independent to shackle themselves to a deity, and few tibbits argue against this assessment. The Cat Lord's domains are Chaos, Travel, and Trickery. His favored weapon is the dagger.

Language: Tibbits speak Common or whatever other language dominates the area they settle in. The Feline language, a strange combination of purrs, hisses, and empathic transfers, allows tibbits to communicate with cats of all forms. Tibbits are born with the knowledge of this language.

Names: Tibbits tend to adopt names based on their physical traits and deeds. A tibbit kitten is given a nickname by her parents, one that reflects her temperament and appearance. When a tibbit comes of age she adopts a name of her choice. Tibbits tend to pick names from other folk, usually based solely on the sound. Strangers and business partners use the name a tibbit picks for herself, while the tibbit's close friends and family use the original nickname chosen by her parents. A tibbit allows only her closest friends to learn and use her nickname. A nontibbit given such a privilege has received one of the highest honors a tibbit can grant to an outsider.

As a tibbit travels the world, she adopts a surname that reflects her experiences and important deeds. A tibbit usually changes her surname after such an event, but her true name uses all of her adopted surnames from childhood onward, and not just her latest one. When two tibbits meet, they share these long-form names to express their pasts with one another. In general, tibbit names work for either sex. Whether male or female, a tibbit who has a short tail in cat form likely ends up with the nickname "Spiketail."

Parent-Bestowed Names: Blackpaw, Glittereye, Longear, Patchfur, Quickfang, Tumblepaw.


Adventurers: The life of an adventurer comes naturally to a tibbit, as her curiosity pushes her ever onward. While many tibbits satisfy this drive with travel to civilized areas and exploration of a city's corners, some tibbits want more out of life. "Adventurer" is seen as a respected occupation among tibbits, and they have a natural fascination for adventurers of other races. In some cases, a tibbit in cat form takes to following an adventuring band, concealing its true nature until an opportune moment. A tibbit fighter might spring from cat to humanoid form in time to drive off a group of orcs that threatens the party's camp. In this manner, tibbits prove their valor and demonstrate their unmatched stealth in hopes of winning a place with their unwitting comrades.

  • Monstrous Humanoid (shapeshifter): As monstrous humanoids, tibbits are immune to spells that affect only humanoids. (Tibbits, of course, would be horrified to learn that they are classified as "monstrous.") They also have the shapeshifter subtype.
  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Tibbits are small and relatively weak, but they have a cat's quick reflexes and fluid agility.
  • Small: As a Small creature, a tibbit gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium creature.
  • Tibbit base land speed is 20 feet.
  • Darkvision: Tibbits can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and lupins can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Feline Transformation: At will, as a standard action, a tibbit can transform into a house cat. This effect is similar to the spell polymorph but with a number of key changes.
    • In cat form, the tibbit becomes size Tiny. Her size bonus to Armor Class and on attack rolls increases to +2, and her size bonus on Hide checks becomes +8. She gains a +10 bonus to her land speed. A tibbitsuffers a -8 penalty to Strength (minimum 3) but gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity.
    • A tibbit gains natural claw and bite attacks in her feline form. A tibbit's claws deal ld2 points of damage and her bite deals ld3 points of damage. With a full attack, she can attack twice with her claws at her full attack bonus and once with her bite with a -5 penalty. A tibbit does not gain additional attacks due to a high base attack bonus when in cat form.
    • A tibbit can transform from a cat back to her humanoid form as a full-round action. She must wait 1 hour to turn back into a cat after reverting to her humanoid form. A tibbit's equipment usually transforms to become part of her cat body. She loses the benefits of any weapons, shields, armor, or robes she wears or carries. Items that require a physical apparatus to function, such as a ring or a pair of boots, shift to adopt a form suitable to a cat, such as a collar or anklet and continue to provide their benefits. A tibbit's cat form is unable to speak or use her paws to manipulate fine objects. She cannot cast spells with a verbal or somatic component, use scrolls, or otherwise activate magic items.
    • While in cat form, a tibbit gains the scent ability. A tibbit slain in cat form reverts to her humanoid form after 1 round. Any spell that reveals the true nature of a creature under the effects of polymorph shows the truth behind a tibbit's cat guise. Spells that reveal magical auras but do not penetrate a polymorph spell reveal nothing special about a tibbit in cat form.
  • +2 racial bonus on all Spot checks. Tibbits have keen eyes.
  • +2 racial bonus on all Jump and Escape Artist checks. Like their feline cousins, tibbits are quick, nimble, and lithe.

(Level Adj: +1)

Automatic Languages: Common and Feline. The Feline language is spoken by all tibbits and cats with an Intelligence of 3 or higher, allowing a tibbit to use the Diplomacy skill against such felines. This language is part of the felines' racial heritage. Other races cannot master it, nor can they use spells such as tongues to communicate with cats.

Bonus Languages: Any. Tibbits travel far and wide and their curiosity pushes them to learn a number of languages.

Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass tibbit's rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. Tibbits excel at keeping a low profile and finding secrets, two tasks for which the rogue is ideally suited.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Class: Mechinomancer

Note - this class is currently in the alpha stage, and changes may take place.

Creators of magical gadgets, clockwork creatures and a myriad of other mechanical wonders, mechinomancers blend technology and magic together to make strange, dreadful or wonderful creations.

Abilities: Intelligence is the core ability of the mechinomancer

Races: Any race, but gnomes are the most common mechinomancer

Alignment: Any

Starting Gold: Starting gold is 8d4x10

Starting Age: Younger

Hit Points: Mechinomancers use 1d6 + Con bonus (if any) to determine HP

Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Metallurgy), Profession, Search, Spot

Class Features:
• Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mechinomancers are proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons and Light Armor. They do not use shields. They commonly wear leather armor covered in tools, and this is treated as masterwork studded leather armor.

• Spellcasting
Mechinomancers can cast spells like a sorcerer, but are limited to the Abjuration, Evocation and Transmutation schools. These spells don't come from the mechinomancer himself, but from brass, copper or steel widgets that they create. A widget weighs ½ lb each, costs 25gp per spell level to make (Lv 0 spells still cost 25gp) and take 1 hour per spell level to craft. Each widget may be only used once (e.g. three of the same spell requires three widgets), but can be repaired and recharged at ½ the initial cost after the widget is initially created. Widgets are treated as Wonderous Items, but can only be used by mechinomancers or with a successful Use Magic Item check (DC 10 + spell level of the widget).

• Bonus feats
Starting at 1st level, and every odd level thereafter, the mechinomancer gains a feat from the following list.

Alertness, Craft Wonderous Item, Danger Sense, Educated (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Metallurgy), Enable Critical (Construct), Great Crafter, Highly Inquisitive, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lucky, Talented Crafter

• Craft Clockwork Creature. The mechinomancer specializes in creating artificial life made of a fusion of clockwork and magic, and these creatures will understand and follow their creator's commands. Creatures created have the Clockwork Construct template automatically. The construct can be of no more HD than the mechinomancer has levels (not including the +2 Level Adjustment), and the mechinomancer can not create creatures with SU special abilities. A mechinomancer can only have one clockwork creature at a time in his possession, but the creatures can "be released into the wild" and no longer follow the commands of their creator (and actually assume the natural behavior of the creature in question). The size of the creature is dependent on the level of the mechanomancer:

1st level - fine
4th level - diminutive
7th level - tiny
10th level - small
13th level - medium
16th level - large
19th level - huge

A clockwork creature costs 250gp in materials per HD to create (minimum 250gp), and each one takes three days per HD to complete (minimum 1 day).

Feat: Educated

Your ongoing studies have served you well, and you're becoming an expert in your chosen field.

Benefit: +4 to one of the following skills: Alchemy, Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Dragon Lore, Elementals, Faerie Lore, Forbidden lore, Geography, History, Lycanthrope Lore, Masonry, Metallurgy, Nature, Necrology, Nobility and Royalty, Philosophy, Religion, Spirit Lore, The Planes and Undead.
Special: Can be taken two times, and the bonus stacks.

Template: Clockwork Construct

Clockwork Constructs are creatures or beings made of metal, gears and pipes, powered by magic and/or steam. They are created by various sources, primarily by mechanomancers of various skill levels.

Size and Type: All types change to Construct. Can not be applied to Aberrations, Constructs, Elementals, Ooze or Undead.
Hit Dice: HD become d10
Armor Class: +4 bonus
Base Attack: No change
Attack/Full Attack: No change
Space/Reach: No change
Attack Options: No change
Special Qualities: 
  • Immunity to Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Critical Hits, Death Effects, Death from Massive Damage, Disease, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Attacks, Necromancy, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep Effects and Stun
  • Gains Resistance 10 vs Cold, Electricity, Fire and Sonic
  • Cannot be Raised or Resurrected
  • Darkvision to 60'
  • Natural Spell Resistance of 25
  • No Natural Healing
  • Blindsight
Saves: Immune to Fortitude save-based attacks
Abilities: Str +2, Dex -2, No Con, Int 3 (unless Awakened as a construct)
Skills: No change
Feats: No change
Challenge Rating: +2
Level Adjustment: +2

Friday, March 3, 2023

Spell: Cook


Evocation [Fire]
Level: Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Up to 1 lb of unattended food per caster level
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

You focus on up to 1 lb of uncooked food per caster level, and the food cooks at your exact temperature and specifications. You can make things baked, broiled, grilled, or even fried, though you must provide your own water, spices, or other materials. In spite of reaching temperatures of up to 500 degrees for cooking, only the food is exposed to the heat. Other objects or creatures touching the focus only feel a warm heat. Using this grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft (cooking) checks. Its probably a good idea to still use tongs to handle the hot food.

Cooking takes as long as actual cooking takes.

Focus: A flat rock, metal pan, pot, or other cooking surface.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Race: Faerie

Faeries are very rarely seen, but this is primarily due to their secretive nature. 

Faeries are generally a shy race, seldom leaving their groves to meet a passing traveler. They are quite playful and enjoy playing games and having fun. Sometimes a faerie will find pulling pranks to be fun. Despite their reclusive nature, they are very welcoming and friendly to any that happen upon them. 

Faeries have been known to follow adventurers through their travels. Such Faeries tend to be more outgoing and adventurous. Faeries have a powerful bond with the nature, and revere all forms of life. Faerie clans are normally friendly to each other, but they have been known to war from time to time.

Physical Description
The average faerie stands at roughly 2-2.5' tall and weigh around 30 pounds. They have thin bodies that appear to be fairly frail. Their skin and hair color vary, but faeries belonging to the same clan tend to have similar features. Hair length and style also vary greatly, but females tend to wear it long, and males tend to cut it to shoulder length. Their wings vary from clan to clan, but clan members always have the same wing structure.

Faeries have close friendly bonds to nearly all of the forest-folk, including Elves, beast-folk, and other fey. Faerie's have mixed experiences with Humans, Halflings and Gnomes, so Faeries try not to be biased to these races. Seldom, if ever, to Faeries get along with Dwarves or Orcs, as the two of them seem brutish to Faeries.

Faerie's alignment vary as much as Human's do. However, most are Chaotic.

Faeries almost exclusively live in forests. They prefer to live in large, lush forests, and absolutely love to live near Elven settlements. Occasionally, Faeries have villages inside of cities, in swamps, or anywhere else where life is abundant. Faeries that travel with adventurers still call their birthplace their homeland.

Faeries revere the Faerie Queen, but many faeries also worship Enthlae, Ildyler, Shenna and Uuvuxx.

The Faerie Queen
The Faerie Queen is the matriarch of the Faeries, and resides in the Faerie Court, which is a smaller plane in the Outer Planes. She does not have any strict dogma or rules that the Faeries must enforce. Annually, many Faeries gather in the Faerie Court for a grand celebration. They feast, drink, and have a merry time while the Faerie Leaders of the various clans gather under peace. The Faerie Queen's domains are Plant, Animal, Healing, Protection and Luck.

Pixies try to stay out of physical combat whenever possible, due mostly to their frail bodies. They will usually hide first, and then attack with their Entangle ability and with spells. They will avoid any type of area effect spells that might damage the landscape, such as fireball, unless the need is incredible.

Faeries speak Sylvan and Common. They can learn to speak Blink Dog, Draconic, Druidic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Terran and Treant.

Faerie's are given a name when they come of age. They also have a surname that tells what clan they hail from. Example Male Names: Sisirion, Arnaeen, Eruauthan, Daeron. Example Female Names: Silmara, Lotheryntha, Relondstra, Erurima. Example Surnames: Willowtear, Goldbranch, Dewdrop, Glitterwing.

Faerie Racial Traits
Abilities: −8 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -3 Wisdom  and +4 Charisma.
Type: Fey.
Size: Tiny. +2 Size bonus to Attacks & AC. +8 to Hide.
Speed: 10' walking & 60' (Good) Flying.
Special Qualities:

  • Low-Light Vision (Ex): You can see twice as far in dimly lit conditions.
  • Damage Reduction (Ex): 5/Cold Iron.
  • Manipulator: You gain this as a Racial bonus feat.
  • Entangle (Ex): You can entangle opponents 3 times/day.
  • Camouflage (Ex): A faerie can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.
  • Enlarge (Ex): Faeries can enlarge to human size at will. When enlarged their STR and DEX base returns to 10. They are unable to fly when human sized, but still have their wings.
Skills: You gain a +4 racial bonus to Perform/Dance, Sing & Sexual Techniques, +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot & Listen checks and a +4 racial bonus to Hide.
Automatic Languages: Sylvan & Common.
Favored Class: Sorcerer or Rogue.
Level Adjustment: +2

Adulthood 150 years
Middle Age 500 years
Old 800 years
Venerable 1100 years
Maximum +5d% years

Height and Weight
Height: Male - 24", Female 23", Modifier 2d6
Weight: Male - 25lbs, Female 24lbs, Modifier 3d4

Twig Thistlebottom

Genasi - Tortle - Warforged - Tiefling - Dragonborn

Because someone might want to play one, here they are in 3.5 stats:


Summary: Genasi are humans who have elemental blood, granting them powers and traits beyond those of their human ancestors. There are four types of genasi, each corresponding to a type of elemental. The origins of the genasi are unclear, perhaps they are the offspring of efreet or other djinn, or maybe they are the result of a ancient experiment by a mad archmage. This last theory is supported by the only common trait of the four types of genasi: they each have glowing runes and symbols tattooed upon them from birth. These symbols are the sign of the genasi birthright and seem to have a link to the element the genasi is bound to, as each of the four types have different runes.

Air Genasi


Air genasi are fickle and capricious, often changing sides mid-argument or outright quitting a conversation halfway through. They almost never keep their word, more often than not they abandon what they promised to do for something that looks more fun almost as soon as they promise it. Above all air genasi hate being forced to do anything, often going out of their way to break any promise they were forced into.

Air genasi often spend their days wandering aimlessly or beginning random pieces of art and then abandoning them for something else, very easily bored. Air genasi like to travel and find new places, but usually return home once they get bored of walking. Many air genasi take up adventuring for the thrill, but only a few keep it up for more than a few days.

Physical Description

Air genasi are the most human-like of the genasi, differentiated only by their ice blue eyes and quickly whitening hair, which seems to have a perpetual breeze running through it. They tend to be on the lighter built side and weigh less than most would expect.


Air genasi get along well with gnomes, halflings and half-elves but don't like dwarves, considering them sticks in the mud.


Air genasi are almost always chaotic, although a few neutral air genasi exist they are considered eccentrics by others and lawful air genasi are simply impossible. On the good/evil axis air genasi tend towards neutral but a few choose good or evil, although evil air genasi are rarer than good ones.


Air genasi feel most at home in the mountains or other places the wind flows freely but their adventuresome nature means that they can be found almost any where, although they don't like valleys and would never choose to live underground. Air genasi enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life and despise small towns, considering them boring and uninteresting, although a few find the unpolluted air of the country worth the boredom.


Air genesi rarely worship any particular god, although they pay respects to many when they need luck.


Air genasi pick up a surprising amount of languages in their travels, often knowing languages from lands they have never even been to. Air genasi love to taunt those they dislike with their mastery of language, insulting them in tongues only a dedicated scholar would know.


Air genasi have human names, but often choose their own, using flowing syllables and avoiding harsh letters.

Racial Traits

+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution: Air genasi are remarkably swift and agile but are frailer than humans.

"Type: Humanoid" "Subtype: Human": Air genasi are human at their core but their wind elemental ancestry runs strong. They do not gain a fly speed due to their air subtype.

"Size: Medium": As medium creatures air genasi have no particular advantages or disadvantages due to size.

Air genasi base land speed is 30 feet.

Blood of Air (Su): Air genasi are treated as though they have the "Air" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Wind's Guardian (Su): An eternal wind seems to surround and protect air genasi, any ranged attack aimed at a air genasi has a (the air genasi's dexterity + half the air genasi's level)% chance to be deflected harmlessly.

Winds Dance (Su) Once per encounter as a free action a air genasi can call upon the wind to increases their speed, gaining a 10 ft. bonus to their land speed for one round. They cannot use this ability while in a windless area.

Wind Dependency (Su) Air genasi are ill at rest when they are beyond the winds pull. While in a place without wind (such as underground or a well sealed fortress) air genasi are not only incapable of recovering hit points naturally but also take a -1 penalty to all rolls and the DCs of all if their abilities are reduced by 1.

Automatic Languages: Common, Auran. Bonus Languages: Any.

Favored Class: Any.

Level Adjustment: +0

Effective Character Level: 1

Adulthood 15, Middle Age 40, Old 60, Venerable 75, Maximum Age +3d20

Male 4’ 10” +1d3 60 lb. × (2d4) lb.

Female 4’ 10” +3d8 50 lb. × (1d3) lb.

Earth Genasi


Earth genasi are taciturn and stubborn, never breaking a promise once its been made and are as slow to change their mind as the earth itself. Earth genasi are slow to anger, ignoring insults and threats as though nothing had happened, when they are angered however, they are more terrifying than any earthquake, often beating the offender half to death.

Earth genasi prefer simple, boring lives to excitement and danger, often working as miners or farmers in small, peaceful towns. The few that do become adventurers do so to better themselves and see the world; as although earth genasi are not prone to wandering, they enjoy traveling and feeling the earth beneath their feet.

Physical Description

Earth genasi are heavily built and slightly shorter than most humans, their skin is a coppery brown tone beyond what any amount of sunlight could achieve and their eyes and hair are usually dark brown.


Earth genasi get along well with dwarves and to a lesser extent hobgoblins, but consider halflings, elves, and gnomes untrustworthy.


Earth genasi are almost universally lawful and most are good or neutral. Very few evil earth genasi exist and chaotic ones are most likely nonexistent.


Earth genasi almost universally like small towns as far away from civilization as possible and wide expansive lands, but other than that they are surprisingly varied, many like farmlands with rich soil but others prefer clay rich hills or high mountains. A few choose live in deserts but they are considered strange by other earth genasi as most of them don't trust un-solid ground. (Note: Earth genasi that live in deserts cannot use their Earth's Endurance while standing on metal but can use it while standing on sand, similarly they take the penalty from Feet on the Ground while standing on metal but not while standing on sand.)


Earth genasi for the most part don't pay much attention to religion, but those that do worship the gods of law and order, particularly Moradin and St. Cuthbert.


Earth genasi generally don't speak many languages, preferring to stick with one and ignore anyone stupid enough not to speak it, although most do pick up at least a few words of Dwarvish


Earth genasi have human parents and human names, although their names do tend to contain more hard syllables than soft.

Racial Traits

+2 Strength, -2 Dexterity: Earth genasi are extremely strong but are rather clumsy.

"Type: Humanoid" "Subtype: Human": Earth genasi are essentially human but the land runs in their veins.

"Size: Medium": As medium creatures earth genasi have no particular advantages or disadvantages due to size.

Earth genasi base land speed is 20 feet.

Blood of Earth (Su): Earth genasi are treated as thought they have the "Earth" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Earth's Endurance (Su): Earth genasi are have the endurance of stone, allowing them to shrug of blows with ease. Once per day a earth genasi can call upon the earth's strength, granting him DR 1/Adamantine per 3 Hit Dice. This ability only functions while the earth genasi is standing on solid soil, stone or metal.

Feet on the Ground (Su) Earth genasi are are magically linked to the earth under their feet and are even clumsier off it. Earth genasi cannot swim and take a -6 to all rolls as well as to the DCs of all their abilities when they aren't standing on solid soil, stone or metal.

Automatic Languages: Common, Terran. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Undercommon, Draconic, Gnomish.

Favored Class: Fighter.

Level Adjustment: +0

Effective Character Level: 1

Adulthood 15, Middle Age 40, Old 60, Venerable 75, Maximum Age +3d20

Male 4’ 5” +2d6 120 lb. × (3d4) lb.

Female 4’ 4” +2d6 85 lb. × (3d4) lb.

Fire Genasi


Fire genasi are rash, impatient, hot-tempered and passionate, arguing a point long past when a any reasonable person would stop and throwing themselves at risks without stopping to think, above all fire genasi are fueled by a kind of manic energy that makes them seem capable of anything, when a fire genasi devotes himself to a task he will never stop until it's done.

Fire genasi enjoy art and music, often going for days without eating or sleeping while they work on a painting or song. Like air genasi they like the fast pace of city life and quickly grow bored with the country. Their lives are often completely consumed by their current obsession, they spend their days completing one project and starting the next, rarely stopping except to recover from the lack of sleep and food. Many fire genasi pursue careers as adventurers, enjoying the thrills and challenges that such a lifestyle presents, those that do find their talents well-suited for such a life, particularly their innate sorcerous talent.

Physical Description

Fire genasi are the most noticeable of the genasi, having orange-red skin and and eyes makes them stand out in a crowd and sparks jump when they snap their finger or clap their hands. They are averagely built for a human but tend to be frail as when they are focused upon a piece of art or some other project they rarely eat or sleep.


Fire genasi get along with almost all races fairly well, although few can truthfully claim to have any idea what goes on in the head of a fire genasi, of all the races fire genasi get along with elves and humans the best, as they have a spark of inner fire within them, and dwarves the least as they interpret the fire genasi's unrelenting focus as unnatural.


Fire genasi are always chaotic, fire genasi simply cannot be lawful or neutral due to their rash and impulsive personalities, and they tend towards the extreme alignments as their inner fire leaves little room for indecision.


Fire genasi like hot lands, particularly deserts the best and almost always live in cities, they despise lands where it rains often and avoid forests for the obvious reasons.


Fire genasi worship gods of art, inspiration and music, although they generally don't pay to much attention to them except when they're waiting for inspiration to strike.


Fire genasi learn the languages of the people around them but do not study language for scholarly purposes, preferring to devote their time to their art.


Fire genasi have human names as they are born to human parents but their names have a tendency to be short and easy to say.

Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Fire genasi have bright minds, but are impatient and quick to anger.

"Type: Humanoid" "Subtype: Human": Fire genasi have the flesh of a human but blood of fire. They do not gain fire immunity due to their fire subtype.

"Size: Medium": As medium creatures fire genasi have no particular advantages or disadvantages due to size.

Fire genasi base land speed is 30 feet.

Blood of Fire (Su): Fire genasi are treated as thought they have the "Fire" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Fire's Focus (Su): Fire genasi have remarkable focus, once per encounter a fire genasi can focus completely on an enemy as a free action, gaining either a bonus on attacks and damage equal to half his level on his next attack against that enemy or a +2 to the DCs of the next ability he uses during the encounter.

Frost Vulnerability (Su) Fire genasi have vulnerability to frost.

Automatic Languages: Common, Ignan. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Undercommon, Draconic, Gnomish.

Favored Class: Fighter.

Level Adjustment: +0

Effective Character Level: 1

Adulthood 15, Middle Age 40, Old 60, Venerable 75, Maximum Age +3d20

Male 4’ 10” +2d10 120 lb. × (2d4) lb.

Female 4’ 8” +2d10 85 lb. × (2d4) lb.

Water Genasi


Water genasi are calm, patient and serene. They have the ability to enter a trance-like state that increases their senses and martial prowess. They take things slow and are rarely in a rush, often thinking over a subject for hours. Water genasi rarely speak unless they have something important to say, often fading into the background for long periods of time then suddenly returning to the present.

Water genasi live lives of quiet seclusion and meditation, pondering and observing the state of the universe. They avoid even small towns, only visiting civilization when they have no choice.

Physical Description

Water genasi have pale greenish-blue skin and and greenish eyes and hair. Their other distinguishing feature is their webbed fingers and toes and vestigial gills.


Water genasi do not get along well with any of the other races, who consider them too strange and slightly disturbing. Elves understand their appreciation for the world, but even they find it strange to spend a whole lifetime observing it.


Water genasi tend to be lawful or neutral, but it is not unknown for chaotic ones to pop up every once and a while. On the good-evil axis almost all water genasi are neutral, but a few choose good or evil.


Water genasi like to live as close to the sea as possible but do not enjoy city life, as they find the endless sounds and sights distracting. Most water genasi live in sea caves near large ports, meditating and catching fish as the tide comes in, and occasionally venturing into the city to trade in what they don't eat.


Water genasi worship gods of nature, knowledge or fate, they are often extremely pious, spending long periods of time praying and meditating.


Water genasi speak few languages, as for the most part they do not speak to many people.


Water genasi almost always rename themselves, giving themselves just one name. Generally their names rise and fall like waves, starting and ending with soft syllables with hard sharp sounds in the middle.

Racial Traits

+2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Water genasi are poor negotiators but are extremely wise.

"Type: Humanoid" "Subtype: Human": Water genasi are mostly human, but water elemental blood flows within them. They do not gain any of the benefits of the water subtype.

"Size: Medium": As medium creatures water genasi have no particular advantages or disadvantages due to size.

Water genasi base land speed is 30 feet.

Blood of Water (Su): Water genasi are treated as thought they have the "Water" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Water's Calm (Su): Water genasi can enter a meditative trance 3/times per day as a standard action, while in their trance water genasi get +2 to all rolls, on any round where a water genasi has taken damage while in his trance he must make a DC 5 + (1/2 the highest amount of damage dealt to him that round by a single attack) or exit his trance, the trance automatically ends after rounds equal to the water genasi's Wis modifier.

Water Dependency (Su) A water genasi whose skin is dry is severely weakened, taking a -2 on all rolls and is unable to use Water's Calm. In order to undry his skin from becoming wet a water genasi must douse himself with one gallon of water. A water genasi's skin becomes dry when he fails a save against a spell that does fire or desiccation damage, remains in a area with a temperature of above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for over a hour or takes damage from thirst.

Automatic Languages: Common, Aquan. Bonus Languages: Gnomish, Halfling, Elven, Dwarven.

Favored Class: Cleric.

Level Adjustment: +0

Effective Character Level: 1

Adulthood 15, Middle Age 40, Old 60, Venerable 75, Maximum Age +3d20

Male 4’ 10” +2d10 120 lb. × (2d4) lb.

Female 4’ 8” +2d10 85 lb. × (2d4) lb.


Tortle (Tortoise Folk)

Summary: Tortoise folk are a race of tortoise-humanoids that have various traits depending on their heritage.


Tortoise folk vary widely based on their lineage. Some are very stoic and kind, acting as fishermen and traders along coastal areas. Others are extremely aggressive and launch deadly raids against settlements for food and gold.

Physical Description

Simply put, tortoise folk are appropriately named because they look like tortoise-humanoids. Depending on their lineage they will have different patterns on their shells and different colors of skin. The list below details some well-known tribes of tortoise folk.

Bloodshell Raiders: A merciless group of coastal raiders that have crimson shells and a dark grey-brown skin. Their shells are extremely spiky and they have mouths shaped like a much more jagged and sharp beak than other tortoise folk.

Chelonians: The peaceful chelonian merchants are commonly found along tropical coasts. They have bright azure shells with ivory spirals on each scale. Their skin is grey and mottled with dark blue spots.

Lapos: A common name given to a scattering of tortoise folk that are found inland. They usually have dark green shells with green skin. Their faces sometimes have brightly colored markings and their shells intricate patterns.


Along coastal regions, depending on their lineage, tortoise folk are often at least known by people and respected. Areas afflicted by particularly bloodthirsty tortoise folk may greet them with hostility, but more often, they are treated as foreign traders: never quite trusted by society, but not feared.


Tortoise folk can be of any alignment although they tend towards neutrality.


Tortoise folk prefer warmer climates, but they can be found in small groups anywhere that humans can be found. Very few large groups of tortoise folk exist because they are often killed before they reach adulthood.


Tortoise folk get a draconic name through a naming ceremony that happens once they reach adulthood. Until then, they are expected to wander the world, learning skills that will prove valuable to their people. Often during their travels, they are given a name by the people they encounter (ranging from a real name from people of that culture to simply "turtle"). Away from their people, they often use this "outsider name", reserving their real name as a privilege for tortoise folk only.

Racial Traits

-2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: Tortoise folk are slow to act, but exceptionally tough.

Type: Humanoid (Subtype: Reptillian)

Size: Medium: As medium creatures, tortoise folk get no special penalties or bonuses due to their size.

Tortoise folk base land speed is 20 feet.

Tortoise folk have a +1 natural armor bonus.

Ageless Constitution (Ex): Tortoise folk do not receive penalties to their Constitution score due to aging. They still receive the normal penalties to their Strength and Dexterity scores.

Tortoise gain Endurance as a bonus feat.

Tortoise folk can pick any two of the following abilities:

Aggressive: The tortoise gains +2 Strength, but -2 Intelligence.

Aquatic: The tortoise gains the Subtype: Aquatic subtype and a swim speed of 30 feet. The tortoise can now move through water without making swim checks. It has a +8 racial bonus on any swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a swim check, even if it is distracted. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Unlike normal aquatic creatures, it still breathes air, but it can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4x its constitution score.

Natural Intuition: The tortoise gains +2 Wisdom, but another -2 Dexterity.

Snapper: The tortoise has a natural bite attack that deals 1d6 + strength modifier damage.

Sturdy Build: The tortoise can move at its full speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations). It also gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Tough Shell: The tortoise has a +3 natural armor bonus instead of a +1 natural armor bonus.

Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic

Bonus Languages: Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin

Favored Class: Favored Class::Any

Effective Character Level: 1

Adulthood 20, Middle Age 80, Old 100, Venerable 120, Maximum Age +5d20

Male 5’ 2” +2d6 180 lb. × (2d6) lb.

Female 5’ 0” +2d6 160 lb. × (2d6) lb.


Warforged (click for link)


Size: Medium
Base speed: Land 30
Strength: +0
Intelligence: +0
Dexterity: +0
Wisdom: −2
Constitution: +2
Charisma: −2

Level adjustment: +0

Space: 5 feet

Reach: 5 feet

Automatic languages: Common


Warforged appear as massive humanoids molded from a composite of materials - obsidian, iron, stone, darkwood, silver, and organic material - though they move with a surprising grace and flexibility. Flexible plates connected by fibrous bundles make up the body of a warforged, topped by a mostly featureless head.

Warforged have no physical distinction of gender; all of them have a basically muscular, sexless body shape. In personality, some warforged seem more masculine or feminine, but different people might judge the same warforged in different ways. The warforged themselves seem unconcerned with matters of gender. They do not age naturally, though their bodies do decay slowly even as their minds improve through learning and experience.

Unique among constructs, warforged have learned to modify their bodies through magic and training. Many warforged are adorned with heavier metal plates than those their creator originally endowed them with. This customized armor, built-in weaponry, and other enhancements to their physical form help to differentiate one warforged from another.

Racial Traits

Living Construct Subtype (Ex): Warforged are constructs with the living construct subtype. A living construct is a created being given sentience and free will through powerful and complex creation enchantments. Warforged are living constructs that combine aspects of both constructs and living creatures, as detailed below.

Features: As a living construct, a warforged has the following features.

  • A warforged derives its Hit Dice, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.
  • Traits: A warforged possesses the following traits.
  • Unlike other constructs, a warforged has a Constitution score. low-light vision or darkvision and a warforged is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
  • Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
  • A warforged cannot heal lethal damage naturally.
  • Unlike other constructs, warforged are subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and death effects or necromancy effects.
  • As living constructs, warforged can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a warforged can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light damage spell, for example, and a warforged is vulnerable to disable construct and harm. However, spells from the healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cure hit point damage or ability damage provide only half their normal effect to a warforged.
  • The unusual physical construction of warforged makes them vulnerable to certain spells and effects that normally don't affect living creatures. A warforged takes damage from heat metal and chill metal as if he were wearing metal armor. Likewise, a warforged is affected by repel metal or stone as if he were wearing metal armor. A warforged is repelled by repel wood. The iron in the body of a warforged makes him vulnerable to rusting grasp. The creature takes 2d6 points of damage from the spell (Reflex half; save DC 14 + caster's ability modifier). A warforged takes the same damage from a rust monster's touch (Reflex DC 17 half). Spells such as stone to flesh, stone shape, warp wood, and wood shape affect objects only, and thus cannot be used on the stone and wood parts of a warforged.
  • A warforged responds slightly differently from other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A warforged with 0 hit points is disabled, just like a living creature. He can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When his hit points are less than 0 and greater than —10, a warforged is inert. He is unconscious and helpless, and he cannot perform any actions. However, an inert warforged does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, as with a living creature that is stable.
  • As a living construct, a warforged can be raised or resurrected.
  • A warforged does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but he can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as hero's feast or potions.
  • Although living constructs do not need to sleep, a warforged wizard must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

+2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Warforged are resilient and powerful, but their difficulty in relating to other creatures makes them seem aloof or even hostile.

Medium: As Medium constructs, warforged have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Warforged base land speed is 30 feet.

Composite Plating: The plating used to build a warforged provides a +2 armor bonus. This plating is not natural armor and does not stack with other effects that give an armor bonus (other than natural armor). This composite plating occupies the same space on the body as a suit of armor or a robe, and thus a warforged cannot wear armor or magic robes. Warforged can be enchanted just as armor can be. The character must be present for the entire time it takes to enchant him. Composite plating also provides a warforged with a 5% arcane spell failure chance, similar to the penalty for wearing light armor. Any class ability that allows a warforged to ignore the arcane spell failure chance for light armor lets him ignore this penalty as well.

Light Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a warforged, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

A warforged has a natural weapon in the form of a slam attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.

Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: None.

Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass warforged's fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.


Tiefling (click for link)


Size: Medium
Base speed: Land 30
Strength: +0
Intelligence: +2
Dexterity: +2
Wisdom: +0
Constitution: +0
Charisma: −2

Level adjustment: +1

Space: 5 feet

Reach: 5 feet

Automatic languages: Common , Infernal

Bonus Languages: Draconic , Dwarven , Elven , Gnome , Goblin , Halfling , Orc


Tieflings appear human at a glance, although they all possess one unnatural feature that reveals there infernal heritage. At the least, tieflings have a disturbing demeanor or carry a whiff of brimstone about them, but most also possess small horns, red eyes, or needle-sharp teeth. In extreme cases tieflings may have a barbed tail or cloven feet. No two tieflings have the same appearance. Their skin can also take on a variable hue from any color in the rainbow (and then some).

Tieflings are sneaky, subtle, and generally conniving. They prefer to strike from ambush and usually avoid a fair fight if they can.

Racial Traits

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Tieflings' infernal heritage grants them quickness and cleverness, but others find their sinister aura unsettling.

Outsider(native):Tieflings are outsiders who are native to the Material Plane. Unlike true outsiders, native outsiders need to eat and sleep.

Medium: As Medium creatures, tieflings have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.

Tiefling base land speed is 30 feet.

Darvision: Tieflings can see in the dark out to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and tieflings can function just fine with no light at all.

+2 bonus on bluff and hide checks: Tieflings are deceptive and stealthy.

Darkness (Sp): A tiefling can use darkness once per day as a 1st-level caster or a caster of her class level, whichever is higher.

Automatic Languages: Common and Infernal. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Eleven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, and Orc.

Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass tiefling's rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Level adjustment +1


Dragonborn (click for link, and have been modified just because the breath weapon is a hell of a bonus ability)


The actual personality of a Dragonborn is as variable as a human's. However, this personality is normally similar to the dragon parent, not the individual's interests.

Physical Description

Dragonborn races are categorized in traits as follows:

  • Flameborn: 6'-7' in height, 275-350 lbs. A flameborn has red scales, ivory horns, and golden eyes.
  • Iceborn: 5'0"-5'6" in height, 100-140 lbs. An iceborn has silver scales, white horns, and cold blue eyes.
  • Nightborn: 7'0"-7'6" in height, 360-400 lbs. A nightborn has black scales, grayed horns, and crimson eyes.
  • Stoneborn: 7'-8' in height, 450-500 lbs. A stoneborn has gray scales, browned horns, and black eyes.
  • Thunderborn: 4'-5' in height, 125-200 lbs. A thunderborn has blue scales, yellowed horns, and purple eyes.
  • Waterborn: 5'-6' in height, 130-200 lbs. A waterborn has bronze scales, black-tipped ivory horns, and green eyes.


Each race of dragonborn gets along well with its parent dragon.


Same as the parent dragon, mostly. Some take other alignments, though.


Wherever their dragon parents live.


Dragonborn races worship the draconic gods, although some have grown familiar with Pelor.


Draconic is the major language of the Dragonborn races.


A surname in the Dragonborn races is invariably the name of the race. A first name is either a dragon name or a human name. Male Dragon Names: Alibor, Brenlin, Hisashi, Sashiseth. Female Dragon Names: Fesashithen, Kelthibra, Malinair, Yriel. Sample Names: Alibor Flameborn (male), Yriel Nightborn (female).

Dragonborn Racial Traits

+2 Strength -2 Dexterity -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Dragonborn are strong, but not very observant or coordinated. Their appearance tends to cause disconsertation as well, as do their usually gruff personalities.

Humanoid (Dragonborn): As a mixture of human and dragon, dragonborn have their own subtype.

Medium: As a Medium creature, a Dragonborn has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.

Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet (Flameborn, Iceborn, and Waterborn), 20 feet (Thunderborn), or 40 feet (Nightborn and Stoneborn): Fly 30 Average (Thunderborn), Swim 30 (Waterborn), or Climb 30 (Stoneborn)

Darkvision: Can see in the dark up to 90 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a Dragonborn can function just fine with no light at all. and Low-Light Vision: A dragonborn variants can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Breath Weapon, 3/day: Cone of Fire 20 ft 2d6+Con mod (Flameborn), Cone of Cold 20 ft 2d6+Con mod (Iceborn), Line of Lightning 30 ft 2d6+Con mod (Thunderborn), Line of Acid 50 ft 1d6+Con mod. DC 10+Con mod.


  • Mighty Blow (Stoneborn): Critical ranges are raised by 1 and the damage of all dice multiplied therein are raised one die size.
  • Shadow of Night (Nightborn): Darkness 3/day.
  • Amphibious (Waterborn): Survives on land and in water.
  • Stout of Heart (All But Waterborn): +2 to Will and Fortitude saves.

Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to Cold (Flameborn), Fire (Iceborn, Nightborn, or Waterborn), Acid (Stoneborn), or Sonic (Thunderborn).

Resistances: Fire 5 (Flameborn), Cold 5 (Iceborn or Nightborn), Acid 5 (Waterborn), Sonic 5 (Stoneborn), or Electricity (Thunderborn).

Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic.

Bonus Languages: Any elemental or divine language (i.e. Auran or Celestial).

Favored Class: Sorcerer

Level Adjustment: +1

Effective Character Level: 1