Sunday, March 5, 2023

Template: Clockwork Construct

Clockwork Constructs are creatures or beings made of metal, gears and pipes, powered by magic and/or steam. They are created by various sources, primarily by mechanomancers of various skill levels.

Size and Type: All types change to Construct. Can not be applied to Aberrations, Constructs, Elementals, Ooze or Undead.
Hit Dice: HD become d10
Armor Class: +4 bonus
Base Attack: No change
Attack/Full Attack: No change
Space/Reach: No change
Attack Options: No change
Special Qualities: 
  • Immunity to Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Critical Hits, Death Effects, Death from Massive Damage, Disease, Energy Drain, Mind-Affecting Attacks, Necromancy, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep Effects and Stun
  • Gains Resistance 10 vs Cold, Electricity, Fire and Sonic
  • Cannot be Raised or Resurrected
  • Darkvision to 60'
  • Natural Spell Resistance of 25
  • No Natural Healing
  • Blindsight
Saves: Immune to Fortitude save-based attacks
Abilities: Str +2, Dex -2, No Con, Int 3 (unless Awakened as a construct)
Skills: No change
Feats: No change
Challenge Rating: +2
Level Adjustment: +2

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