Monday, March 20, 2023

Feat: Good Judge of Character

You are an good judge of character, and can quickly determine another's nature.

Benefit: The PC must study another intelligent (5+) individual for 1d4+1 rounds while interacting with them in a social manner. He then makes a Gather Information check at a DC of a varying amount, and if successful he gains some insight:
  • DC 10 - Basic mood (happy, angry, nervous, etc)
  • DC 15 - Mood and Class
  • DC 20 - Mood, Class and Morality (good, neutral or evil)
  • DC 25 - Mood, Class, Morality and Ethics (lawful, neutral, chaotic)
Note: Any magic that hides alignment, such as a Ring of Hidden Morality, is also effective against this natural skill.

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