Sunday, March 5, 2023

Class: Mechinomancer

Note - this class is currently in the alpha stage, and changes may take place.

Creators of magical gadgets, clockwork creatures and a myriad of other mechanical wonders, mechinomancers blend technology and magic together to make strange, dreadful or wonderful creations.

Abilities: Intelligence is the core ability of the mechinomancer

Races: Any race, but gnomes are the most common mechinomancer

Alignment: Any

Starting Gold: Starting gold is 8d4x10

Starting Age: Younger

Hit Points: Mechinomancers use 1d6 + Con bonus (if any) to determine HP

Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Metallurgy), Profession, Search, Spot

Class Features:
• Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mechinomancers are proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons and Light Armor. They do not use shields. They commonly wear leather armor covered in tools, and this is treated as masterwork studded leather armor.

• Spellcasting
Mechinomancers can cast spells like a sorcerer, but are limited to the Abjuration, Evocation and Transmutation schools. These spells don't come from the mechinomancer himself, but from brass, copper or steel widgets that they create. A widget weighs ½ lb each, costs 25gp per spell level to make (Lv 0 spells still cost 25gp) and take 1 hour per spell level to craft. Each widget may be only used once (e.g. three of the same spell requires three widgets), but can be repaired and recharged at ½ the initial cost after the widget is initially created. Widgets are treated as Wonderous Items, but can only be used by mechinomancers or with a successful Use Magic Item check (DC 10 + spell level of the widget).

• Bonus feats
Starting at 1st level, and every odd level thereafter, the mechinomancer gains a feat from the following list.

Alertness, Craft Wonderous Item, Danger Sense, Educated (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Metallurgy), Enable Critical (Construct), Great Crafter, Highly Inquisitive, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lucky, Talented Crafter

• Craft Clockwork Creature. The mechinomancer specializes in creating artificial life made of a fusion of clockwork and magic, and these creatures will understand and follow their creator's commands. Creatures created have the Clockwork Construct template automatically. The construct can be of no more HD than the mechinomancer has levels (not including the +2 Level Adjustment), and the mechinomancer can not create creatures with SU special abilities. A mechinomancer can only have one clockwork creature at a time in his possession, but the creatures can "be released into the wild" and no longer follow the commands of their creator (and actually assume the natural behavior of the creature in question). The size of the creature is dependent on the level of the mechanomancer:

1st level - fine
4th level - diminutive
7th level - tiny
10th level - small
13th level - medium
16th level - large
19th level - huge

A clockwork creature costs 250gp in materials per HD to create (minimum 250gp), and each one takes three days per HD to complete (minimum 1 day).

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