Thursday, March 2, 2023

Class: Wood Witch

She walks through the forest, enjoying the light of the full moon and the sounds of the animals that come alive in the evening. She suddenly hears orcin voices talking and laughing, and then the sound of axes biting into her oaks. She uses her magic to quickly shift into the form of a tiny field mouse, and spies on what is happening. A good dozen or so orcs are in the process of felling young trees and collecting rocks for a large campfire. Her anger seethes and she calls upon the magic of nature. Suddenly the thoughtless orcs are set upon by a furious grizzly bear, and they are slaughtered with such violence that a barbarian would be taken aback. As she returns to her human form, the Wood Witch examines the damage to the trees. Two young growth oaks gone, three more oaks wounded. She would heal the trees over the next few days and would plant six to make up for the two that were lost. The bodies would be collected and put on grisly display at the edge of her forest as a warning, an act that many druids would be appalled by. She didn't care. They would learn not to mess with a Wood Witch's forest.

A Wood Witch is the arcane equivalent of a Druid. Among the Barbarian clans, a Wood Witch is known as a Völva. The Curuseryn (in Elvish) are considered equal to druids among the elves, and are shown immense respect because of their powers. They are made exactly like you would a druid, but with the following changes:

  • Maximum level is 20
  • They can only wear light armor, and can use any simple weapon in addition to a sickle (the symbol of their goddess)
  • Knowledge (Arcana) becomes a class skill
  • Can wildshape, but only into natural animals (not dragons, elementals, etc) and plants
  • Base Attack bonus progression is poor
  • Gain +1 effective level when outside in the moonlight
  • Spells are the same as a druid but are Arcane and are based on Charisma
A barbarian Völva

An Elven Curuseryn 

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