Friday, January 20, 2023

Rule: Character Flaws

 For Variant Character Building rules, flaws were introduced. Here are additional flaws and their associated penalties.

  • Absentminded Magician - You forget to prepare 1d4 random spells per day.
  • Angry Drunk - When drunk, DC 10 Will save to avoid a fight every hour.
  • Arcane Fatigue - Must make fortitude save after every spell cast (at -1/spell lv) or be fatigued.
  • Bad with Animals - Animals just don't like you. -2 on Handle Animal and Ride skill checks.
  • Bitch/Dick - You think you're assertive, but you're just pushy and unpleasant to be around. -2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate and Disguise skill checks
  • Blood Obsession - A race or type of creature wronged you in the past, and you will make every one of them pay. -2 to Diplomacy and Charisma.
  • Bloodlust - You seek to kill at every opportunity. -2 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Concentration and Charisma. +1 to Intimidate.
  • Cautious - Take twice as long to perform any skill which requires an action, -2 to Initiative.
  • Clanless - You are rejected by your birth race. -5 Reaction from your birth race.
  • Code of Honor - You have a set code that dictates how you act in any given situation.
  • Cowardice - You fear for your life. -4 on saves vs Fear, and this must be rollplayed constantly.
  • Curious - You suffer a -2 penalty on Listen and Spot checks. You also suffer a -2 penalty on initiative rolls.
  • Cursed - You are cursed in some drastic way that makes life exceedingly difficult.
  • Delicate Flower - You are weak and easily injured. -2 to your Natural AC.
  • Delusional - You absolutely believe something that simply isn't true. -1 to Wisdom and Charisma.
  • Disease Prone - You always have a -5 save versus disease and incubation time is always the minimum.
  • Dishonest Face - You are naturally shifty and look like a criminal. -2 to Bluff and Diplomacy.
  • Disquieting Hallucinations - You see and hear disturbing things that simply aren't there. -2 to Spot, Search and Listen, -4 to Concentration.
  • Evil Aura - Your aura is always read and treated as evil, no matter your alignment. Order direction remains the same.
  • Exiled - Your family and/or people have permanently kicked you out of the community.
  • Gullible - -2 Saving throw vs Enchantment and Illusions, -4 Sense Motive
  • Hemophiliac - Bleed for 1d4/round when wounded with piercing/slashing weapon. DC15 Heal or spell to stop.
  • Ignorant - Your mental lassitude knows no bounds. -2 on all Wis-based skill checks.
  • Indecisive - You lack of decision and firmness, especially under pressure. -2 to Initiative.
  • Lack of Empathy - You lack empathy for the plight of others. CHA -2.
  • Landlubber - You hate the sea. -2 on ALL rolls while at sea.
  • Lightning Rod - Take +25% more damage from electrical attacks.
  • Multiple Personalities - You have 2d4 multiple personalities, all with their own character sheet. Physical stats are exactly the same on all sheets. In times of stress (determined by the DM) you will occasionally (25%) switch to a new personality, but not necessarily one that will be helpful to your situation (determine the personality at random).
  • Mute - You are completely unable to speak or cast spells that require verbal components.
  • Naive - You lack experience and are lacking in wisdom and judgement. This must be rollplayed constantly.
  • No Combat Criticals - You know how to fight with weapons, but you never score a Critical Hit, even with a Nat 20.
  • Nonlethal Spells - No matter how hard you try, your spells always only do subdual damage.
  • Not a Morning Person - You are always Fatigued for one hour after waking up.
  • Obsequious - You are obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. This must be rollplayed constantly.
  • Outrageous Beliefs - You believe something with all your heart that simply isn't true, and constantly try to convince others of the "truth." -2 to CHA.
  • Overconfident - You feel you are more powerful than you really are, and you tend to brag about it when possible. -1 to WIS and CHA,
  • Paranoid - You are certain people are out to get you. -2 to Charisma.
  • Phobia - You have a massive fear of something. Become shaken while exposed.
  • Proselytizer - You are a religious fanatic. -1 Cha, -2 Reputation
  • Psychotic - You have to kill a member of your race once a month, Will DC 15 to avoid doing so.
  • Reckless Fighter - You lose control when you fight, leaving yourself open. -1 to AC at all times.
  • Reincarnation Flashbacks - You sometimes get flashbacks from a previous life that distract you. -1 to WIS and -2 to Concentration.
  • Reincarnation Nightmares - When you sleep you have horrible visions of a past life. Fatigued for one hour upon waking.
  • Religious Fanatic - You are obsessed with a particular religion +3 to Knowledge/Religion, -2 to CHA.
  • Scorned - You are disliked in your community. -3 to your Reputation score.
  • Self-Doubt - Your self-doubt creeps in at random times. 10% chance with each roll to be at a -2 on that roll.
  • Sexual Being - Your body thrives on sex, and you suffer without it. -1 to all rolls per week without engaging in sex.
  • Slowpoke - You move slowly, and are at -5 compared to other members of your race.
  • Too Cute - You are just adorable! -2 to Intimidation and Disguise.
  • Wanders Off - DC 15 Will save when you rest or you wander off in a random direction for 2d10 rounds at standard movement rate.
  • Wicked - Your racial subtype becomes Evil, despite being good in alignment. You are detected as evil as well (CG is CE, etc).

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