Saturday, January 14, 2023

Feat: Nobility (Low, Mid, High)

Feat: Nobility

Nobility is a social class found in many societies that have an aristocracy. It is normally ranked immediately below royalty. Nobility has often been an estate of the realm with many exclusive functions and characteristics. The characteristics associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles or simply formal functions (e.g., precedence), and vary by country and by era. Membership in the nobility, including rights and responsibilities, is typically hereditary and patrilineal.

Membership in the nobility has historically been granted by a monarch or government, and acquisition of sufficient power, wealth, ownerships, or royal favor has occasionally enabled commoners to ascend into the nobility.

Benefit: The benefits of nobility depend of the type of noble the character is - 

• Nobility, Low - You have a minor title (Lord, Knight, Baron, Yeoman). Increase your reputation bonus by 2. Starting money is also +1000g
Nobility, Mid - You have a title (Viscount, Count, Duke, Marquis). Increase your reputation bonus by 2. Starting money is also +2000. Prerequisite is Nobility, Low.
Nobility, High - You have a title (Sovereign Prince, Grand Duke). Increase your reputation bonus by 3. Starting money is also +3000. Prerequisite is Nobility, Mid.

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