Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Race: The Curst

Related to humans, the curst are a fallen race, shunned and mistrusted by nearly all. In bygone ages, the curst were the aristocracy of a decadent kingdom that offended the gods. Divine punishment fell upon these ancestors, shattering the kingdom and transforming the aristocrats and all of their descendants into the curst.

The curst are very nearly entirely human in appearance, including all of the varieties of appearance. All curst, however, bear some sort of physical deformity. This imperfection may be as mild as a slight limp or as severe as missing or shriveled limbs, blindness or misshapen facial features. The curst age as humans do until their mid-60s. Thereafter, they age more slowly and have life spans comparable to those of half-elves. It is believed this extended life span is itself part of the curse, as if the gods wished each curst a long, miserable life.

The curst are most often inflexible, fatalistic and moody (and predominantly Lawful Evil). They are exceptionally brooding and dark of nature, often suffering from significant depressive periods or even going into murderous rages over perceived or imagined slights.


  • Good Will saves.
  • Skill points equal to (4 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.

The curst possess the following traits.

  • +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently
  • Immunity to Mind Affecting Attacks (Ex)
  • Low-Light Vision (Ex)
  • Modified aging: Adult at 15, Middle Aged at 35, Old at 93 and Venerable at 125

Stat Adjustment
The curst possess the following adjustments.

  • -2 CHA
  • +2 INT
  • No Level Adjustment or additional DC

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