Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Feat: Bloodfury (General)

Feat: Bloodfury

Available only to Sorcerers, this feat allows the sorcerer to add additional damage to his spells at the cost of his own health. 

Prerequisite: Sorcerer

Benefit: For every HP that the caster takes, he may increase the damage done by his combat spells by 2 points, up to the maximum damage for that spell. This damage may not be reduced in any way, shape or form, and can be healed normally.

Feat: Bloodburn (General)

Feat: Bloodburn

Available only to Sorcerers, this feat allows the sorcerer to cast additional spells at the cost of his health.

Prerequisite: Sorcerer

Benefit: Once the sorcerer is out of spells of a particular level, he can voluntarily take damage equal in HP to twice the level of the spell to be able to cast it again (i.e. a sorcerer is out of 3rd lv spells. To cast her fireball spell again after she is out of available daily spells, she must take 6hp of damage.) This damage may not be reduced in any way, shape or form, and can be healed normally.

Rules: Mixing Potions

Mixing Potions (from WotC)
What Happens When They Mix?
Now that you’ve drunk two potions that require a check to see if they are compatible, or have accidentally (or purposefully) mixed potions in a vial, let’s discuss exactly what happens to you.
When you drink potions that require compatibility checks, the DM secretly rolls on the table below, and afflicts you with the resultant entry from Table 1-1 below. Some are good, some are horrible. Mixing potions is kind of like a rod of wonder in that way.
Three useful numbers for the result table are the following:
  • SUM = the sum of the caster levels of the potions involved. For example, if a potion of fly (5th level caster) and a potion of owl’s wisdom (3rd level caster) are involved, the sum is 8.
  • MULTIPLE = the result when multiplying the caster levels of the potions involved. In the example above, the multiple is 15.
  • HIGHEST = the highest caster level of the two potions involved. For example, if a potion of fly (5th level caster) and a potion of owl’s wisdom (3rd level caster) are involved, Highest is 5.
Table 1-1: Potion Compatibility Results
D100 Result
01 Explosion! If two or more potions are swallowed together (or a second is swallowed while the first’s magic is still active), the drinker takes damage equal to 1d6 times MULTIPLE. For example, if a potion of fly (5th level caster) and a potion of owl’s wisdom (3rd level caster) are involved, the drinker takes 15d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw allowed to reduce or negate this damage. If mixed externally, then the explosion detonates in a sphere of 10 ft. radius. All within take the damage, but a successful Reflex save DC (10 + SUM) halves the damage.
02-03 Lethal poison results. The drinker must make a Fort save DC (10 + SUM) or die. If the save is made, the drinker takes 2d6 points of Constitution damage. If mixed externally, then a cloud of poison gas spreads in a 10 ft. radius when the container is opened. All within must make a successful Fort save or die, and still take 1d6 Constitution damage if they make the Fort save. Creatures immune to poison are immune to this result.
04-07 Mild poison results. The drinker suffers nausea and 2 points of Strength and Dexterity damage. A successful Fort save DC (10 + SUM) negates the ability damage but not the nausea, which lasts for a number of minutes equal to SUM. If mixed externally, then a cloud of poison gas spreads in a 10 ft. radius. All within must make a successful Fort save or become nauseated and take 2 points of Strength and Dexterity damage. Creatures immune to poison are immune to this result.
08-11 Cursed mixture results. Neither potion works. Instead, they mix into a potion that acts as a bestow curse spell (-6 to any attribute chosen at random) that has a duration equal to that of the highest level potion involved in the mix. The duration cannot be instantaneous, so if one of the potions has a duration of instantaneous use the duration of the other one.
12-16 Hostile monster summoned. The vile mixture causes the drinker to vomit it up in a cloud. The cloud turns into a monster chosen at random from the summon monster table equivalent to HIGHEST. For example, if HIGHEST is 7, then a random monster from the summon monster VII table appears. This monster attacks the drinker and her allies in preference to any other targets. If mixed externally, the liquid turns into a gas and the monster appears out of the gas cloud. The monster’s duration of stay is equivalent to HIGHEST.
17-26 Potions cannot be mixed. Both potions are totally destroyed, and their effects end immediately.
27-36 Potions cannot be mixed. The second potion drunk fails to function, but the first remains functional. If mixed externally, both potions are destroyed.
37-42 Potions cannot me mixed. One potion chosen at random has the opposite effect, while the second does not function. If there is no obvious opposite effect, then the drinker is affected by a confusion spell as if case by a SUM level caster.
43-47 Potions cannot be mixed. The first potion drunk ceases functioning immediately, but the second works normally. If mixed externally, the potions are destroyed.
48-52 Potions cannot be mixed. Both potions function, but at half strength and half the normal duration (if the duration is longer than instantaneous). Half-strength potions have all aspects of their function halved. For example, a halved potion of fly would grant fly speed of 30 ft. A halved potion of invisibility would make the drinker transparent rather than invisible. A halved potion of bull’s strength would grant a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. If mixed externally by active shaking or stirring, then the liquid is affected by the magic of both potions (ignore incompatible or impossible effects); anyone drinking the mix is not affected by either potion.
53-62 Potions can be mixed. They work normally, unless their effects would cancel each other out.
63-72 Potions cannot be mixed. One potion chosen at random has the opposite effect, which is treated as empowered by the Empower Spell feat. The other potion has its normal function. Both last for half the normal duration.
73-82 Potions cannot be mixed. The drinker turns bright blue, and then bright green, and then bright pink. This change occurs every 30 seconds and lasts for the HIGHEST duration. Neither potion works.
83-87 Friendly monster summoned. This is the same result as “Hostile Monster Summoned” above, except that the monster acts as if summoned by the drinker, and attacks the drinker’s enemies. If mixed externally, the liquid turns into a gas and the monster appears out of the gas cloud. The monster’s duration of stay is equivalent to HIGHEST.
88-92 Potions mix but not as expected. Neither potion works, but both turn into another potion. Roll randomly on Table 7-17: Potions and Oils in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Two oils turn into an oil (discard potion results), and any other combination turns into a potion (discard oil results). The duration cannot be instantaneous, so if one of the potions has a duration of instantaneous use the duration of the other one. The new potion has a duration equivalent to that of the highest caster level potion (or oil) involved in the mixing.
93-97 Compatible result. The first potion has its effects and duration extended 150% of normal. A potion of invisibility so affected would last longer but not make the drinker more invisible. A potion of bull’s strength would grant a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength and last half again as long as normal. The second potion fails to work.
98-99 Compatible result. The second potion has its effects and duration extended 150% of normal (as above). The first potion fails to work.
00 Discovery. The mixing of the potions creates a special effect–one of the potions chosen at random fails to work, but the other has its effects made permanent on the drinker. If mixed externally, then the permanent effect is not discovered until the mix is consumed. The potion’s effect becomes a spell-like ability that is always on for the drinker.

In-House Game Clarifications

In-House Game Clarifications
  • Potions take a Standard Action to consume, and the entire potion must be consumed for the magic to take effect.
  • Potions are (usually) carried in glass vials of various shapes and sizes and hold 30 ml of fluid.
  • The vial has AC 13, 1 hit point, hardness 1, and a break DC of 12.
  • Potion pouches come in a variety of sizes and have a flap that closes over the top to keep the potions secure. They hold 10 standard potion vials, weigh .1 kg and cost 3 gp.
  • Please see what happens when you mix potions.
  • A wand usually contains a single spell of 4th level or lower.
  • Each wand has 50 charges when created, and each charge expended allows the user to use the wand’s spell one time.
  • A character with the feat Create Wand is able to recharge a wand by casting the same spell into it. Each charge takes one full round or double the normal casting time if longer than a round (so recharging a Fireball wand with three charges will take 3 rounds and will require 3 fireball spells to be cast into the wand).
  • Wands are from 23 to 36 cm in length, weigh next to nothing, have AC 7, 5 hit points, hardness 5, and a break DC of 16. Most wands are wood, but some are bone. A rare few are metal, glass, or even ceramic, but these are quite exotic.

Feat: Shifting Adept (General)

Feat: Shifting Adept
You’ve become adept at shifting through the planes, and as such you can do so more often.
Prerequisite: Planeshifter prestige class
Benefit: Instead of only being able to shift once per day, you gain additional shifts equal to your WIS bonus. Once you reach 8th Lv and can shift at will, your targeting becomes much greater, and you can come in within 1-100 miles of your target instead of 5-500 miles.
Note: If using the Many Worlds theory for additional Prime Material Planes, dimensional shifting keeps you in the exact same location and just shifts your dimension. Targeting is only required if you shift actual planes.

Spell: Thorn Spray

Thorn Spray
School: Evocation [Plant]
Level: Drd 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes


A burst of incredibly sharp thorns spray from your hand and strikes its target, dealing 1d4+1 points of piercing damage.
The burst strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat or has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can’t be singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged by the spell.
For every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional burst - two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five bolts at 9th level or higher. If you shoot multiple bursts, you can have them strike a single creature or several creatures. A single burst can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you check for spell resistance or roll damage.
(This is just Magic Missile, modified for flavor)


(In the style of Guilds, by AEG)
Type: Class Guild
Trade: Combat and protection
Motivation/Goal: Make money, protect its members, provide mercenaries.
Size: 200-350
Influence: The Sword and Coin has established a firm reputation as loyal mercenaries.
Public Face: The Sword and Coin are rough and tumble mercenaries that work hard for their coin and never betray their employers.
How to Join: Apply, prove yourself in combat against other members, submit to a magical examination. There is no membership fee, but the Sword and Coin gets 50% of the hiring cost.
Tiers/Ranks: New members are Coppers. Proven members are Silvers. Senior members are Golds and the head of the guild is the Platinum.
Symbol: Sword surmounted by four coins
Motto/Slogan: “Life or death for coin.”
Alignment: Non-Evil
Meetings: The guild meets on weekends for regular tavern nights. Golds and Platinum meet monthly to discuss business. Emergency meetings and funerals take place when needed.
Allies: The Sword and Coin is quite friendly with the various merchant guilds due to their use as guards at various businesses.
Enemies: The Sword and Coin is on bad terms with any evil guild and especially with those that betray their employers.
Prominent Members: Tana Crees, Platinum, female human Ftr15, TN; Aden Whitehammer, Gold, male dwarf Clr15, LG; Salis the Nimble, male Halfling Ftr5/Rog5, TN; Bethany Drake, Gold, female helf-elf Wiz7/Ftr5, CG.
Full Description: The Sword and Coin are native to the city of Elinstara, founded by the adventurers Crees and Whitehammer. Both had been abandoned by hirelings while on adventures, and they wanted to make sure that there was a trustworthy source of mercenaries available to other adventurers.
New members are magically examined by Whitehammer via Commune to determine if they’re worthy of membership. In the past individuals of evil alignment, questionable morals and even spies have attempted to gain membership, but Whitehammer has thwarted all of them. He is backed up by four large Silvers when he makes these examinations.
Despite not being Lawful in alignment, the guild prides itself on keeping their contracts, even to the death. In the ten years of its existence, not one single member has ever betrayed a paying employer. However, if the employer is abusive, violent or traitorous toward the member they will be blacklisted and charged a 100 gp fine per level of the hireling. Due to the various contacts that the Sword and Coin maintain, cruel masters will also find merchant prices around town will have gone up as well.
The cost to hire a merc is simple: 1 gp/day + Stat Bonus (if any) + Level. This is doubled if the NPC is of an Adventuring class, doubled again if over Lv 10. So, for example:
Lv 1 Warrior, +2 STR bonus = 4 gp/day
Lv 8 Fighter, +3 STR bonus = 24 gp/day
Lv 5 Adept, +2 WIS bonus = 8 gp/day
Lv 16 Wizard, +4 INT bonus = 84 gp/day
They come with basic gear for that level, but will accept better gear if given any.
The Guild looks after its members, providing healing and cures. If needed, funeral costs are also provided.

Class Variation: Druid of the Wellspring

Class Variation: Druid of the Wellspring
When you think of those that fight against the hordes of undead that threaten the living, druids don’t usually come to mind. However, a Druid of the Wellspring does just that. These druids give up their ability to shapeshift in exchange for the ability to Turn and Smite Undead.


  • Loses the ability to shapeshift into animals, plants and elementals
  • Loses all access to shapeshifting Druid Bonus Feats
  • Gains the Knowledge (Undead) Skill as a Class Skill
  • Gains access to the following Bonus Feats - Defy the Dead, Empower Turning, Enable Critical (Undead), Extra Smiting (Smite Undead), Heighten Turning, Improved Turning
  • Gains the ability to Turn Undead (as a Cleric) at Lv 1
  • Gains the ability to Smite Undead (as a Paladin) at Lv 5 and this ability increases by +1 at Lvs 9, 13, 17 and 21.

Feat: Vile Leadership (General)

Feat: Vile Leadership
(Taken from D20PFSRD)
You rule over your own cabal of minions with a villainous cohort as your lieutenant.
Prerequisite(s): Character level 7th, good standing with an evil organization.
Benefit(s): You can attract a loyal cohort and a number of cowed followers to assist you in your journeys. This feat is similar to Leadership, except Vile Leadership rewards, rather than hinders, leaders who have cruel reputations or who cause the deaths of their followers. Once you take this feat, you cannot take the Leadership feat without retraining your feat selection).
In order to benefit from this feat, you must belong to one of the evil organizations listed in this section and also be in good standing with that organization.
Numerous factors can affect your Vile Leadership score (which acts as a Leadership score for the purpose of feats and abilities that rely on a Leadership score, other than Leadership itself); work with your GM and use the tables below to adjust your Vile Leadership score.
The NPCs you attract must be affiliated with the evil organization to which you belong.
Vile Leadership Modifiers:
A leader’s reputation affects her Vile Leadership score.
Leader’s Reputation and Modifier
  • Ruthless, +2
  • Rewards loyalty/success, +1
  • Possesses a special power, +1
  • Indecisive, –1
  • Tolerant of failure, –1
  • Merciful, –2
Other modifiers may apply when you try to attract a cohort with this feat, as listed below.
Leader’s Attributes and Modifier
  • Gained power by eliminating a superior, +1
  • Fails to punish or kill minions who make costly mistakes, –2*
  • Recruits a cohort of a different alignment, –1
* Cumulative per incident of compassion shown. This penalty is incurred even if you show mercy to avoid killing or punishing more than 20% of your minions during a given character level (see the footnote to the following table).
Followers have different priorities from cohorts.
When you try to attract a follower with this feat, use the following modifiers.
Leader’s Attributes and Modifier
  • Has a stronghold, base of operations, guildhouse, etc., +2
  • Has punished or killed minions to set an example or assert dominance, +1*
  • Has a tendency toward long periods of inactivity, –1
  • Restricts minions from looting, pillaging, or pursuing other spoils of war, –1
* Cumulative to a maximum bonus of +1 per character level, with minimum of one minion per incident. If you punish or kill more than 20% of your minions during a given character level, this bonus becomes a penalty instead. At the beginning of a new level, any bonus of penalty from punishing or killing minions resets to 0.

Rules: 100 Resurrection Effects

100 Resurrection Effects
1) Whispers in the Dark
In the weeks following your revival your hair and body become colorless, (Albino). If you speak more than 3 languages you must replace any language beyond your favorite 3 with dead languages. You are not certain your dreams are your own.
2) Weakness of the Thread
You have returned to life but your hold on life is tenuous. You will die again if brought to -5 hit points (or the old value -5). Your natural healing is very slow and all your cure rolls are -1 (minimum 1).
3) Preparation is Obvious
Certain of the need to prepare for death move your alignment one step towards Law.
4) It is all lies and vanity
Death is not something to fear and it cannot be prepared for. Move your alignment one step towards chaos.
5) Message from beyond
Over the next 3 months you are visited by dreams and perhaps ghosts with a message for you.
6) One with Death
You appear to the undead as one of their own. So long as you don’t attack them they are likely to leave you in peace.
7) Unnatural Fear
You may be turned as a vampire of your level. You may not enter holy places or shrines. If you are a cleric you must atone - see atonement spell - to reenter holy places. If you have turning abilities they are diminished or removed. (DM’s discretion)
8) A place at Odin’s Table
You have seen your afterlife and are content. +4 against all fear affects +2 vs death magic.
9) The Creek of Old Bones
You are unnaturally aged. Move one age category forward. You still do not enter the next age category until your appropriate time. You are effectively the next age category longer.
10) I shall not look on life
You have a vivid memory of being dead but you shall not look upon the lands under the sun again. You are completely blind during daylight hours.
11) My Fathers Marble Halls
You have seen the glory of what once was. +4 knowledge history, +2 knowledge Nobility. These are now class skills.
12) I am but a memory here
You are infertile and shall never have a child.
13) Holy Burden
The gods have released you on the condition that you complete a certain task. This functions as an unbreakable geas/quest spell.
14) I have seen what is to come
You are privy to a single prophetic vision, which you know to be true.
15) Spirit Meld
Your soul adheres to your flesh so closely that they have become one. You are effectively a native outsider (though you retain any humanoid subtype).
16) Spiritual Severance
Your soul is no longer fully integrated with your body. Whenever you are affected by channeled energy oriented to damage undead, you must make a will save or have your body collapse unconscious while your spirit roams for 1d10 minutes (treat as yourself, with the incorporeal trait).
17) Outside the spiral of life
Your body is whole but you are still connected in some way to the realms beyond. You no longer require sustenance or rest except to prepare spells. You do not eat, drink, or otherwise sleep and are immune to starvation and dehydration.
18) By Death Damned
Positive energy fuels your form. If you do not receive a channel energy use or a spell of any level each day, take one point of Constitution drain. When your Con score reaches 0, you fall down dead once more and your form turns to dust.
19) Neither Here nor There
You are not exactly living and not exactly dead, but you aren’t undead either. You do not register as a living creature to deathwatch or to divination spells, but you do not register as an undead creature either. Locate creature and scrying still work normally.
20) Stone Soul
The very expensive diamond used to fuel your resurrection / raising from the dead is now embedded in your forehead. If it is ever removed, it crumbles to black dust and you return to the afterlife immediately. It can be targeted, but has an AC of 23, Hardness 15 and 5 hit points, and will not be damaged unless specifically so targeted. You are aware of it’s vulnerability, and tend to conceal it. Your life is linked to the stone, and if it, or you, are destroyed, the other is likewise destroyed.
21) Not Quite Whole
Sometimes when you move quickly, your soul remains where it was. This only lasts for a second or two, but your soul can be clearly seen as a luminescent, transparent form.
22) Corpse Whisperer
You can communicate with the recently departed. You gain speak with dead as a spell-like ability (Will negates; DC 10 + ½ current Hit Dice + Charisma modifier). Your caster level is equivalent to your current Hit Dice.
23) Empathy for the Dead
You feel the weight of the dead on your shoulders. Every time you slay a creature, you must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1 per creature slain), or suffer from a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 4d6 hours. Creatures normally immune to mind-affecting effects are not immune to this effect. Good hope can counter, but not dispel this effect. Since the effect is not magical, it cannot be dispelled.
24) See Beyond the Pale
You can see ethereal creatures.
25) Stared Into the Face of Death
Your gaze fills others with dread. You gain a +2 competence bonus on all Intimidate checks.
26) Not-Reincarnation
The Cleric who restored you, or the power that answered his prayers, served a nature deity, and while you were not reincarnated, it sometimes seems like you were. You roll on the reincarnation table, and automatically speak the language of that race, and have strange memories, interwoven with your own, of being a member of that species. Sometimes you feel more like that species, and you find their homes, culture, cuisine, etc. to feel more comfortable than those of your true race (which remains unchanged).
27) A World of Shadows
The world no longer has any vibrant color, fragrance or music to you. Your senses are not impeded significantly (or perhaps they are, penalty to Perception rolls if so), but everything is faded and worn, lacking the glorious colors, celestial music and heavenly scents that you dimly remember. Food is bland on your tongue, and the light of the sun seems harsh and cold.
28) Walker in the Mists
You still see the mists of the underworld around you. The further away something is, the harder it is for you to make out (double range penalties to Perception checks and ranged attacks), as the ever present fog that no one else can see swirls and eddies around your feet, as if frustrated that you’ve escaped it’s grasp.
29) No Rest for the Weary
You draw comfort from the sacraments of the grave, and can only gain restful slumber when covered with a shroud, partially buried in dirt, or, most blissfully of all, within a coffin or grave.
30) It is the Old Wound, Sire
The blow that took your life refuses to heal, and causes you great discomfort. Whenever you are struck by a critical hit, the old wound opens again, and you are sickened by pain until all damage is healed.
31) I Have Seen… Things
You retain fleeting glimpses of things that no living soul should see, and the weak-willed and fearful who look into your eyes are dazed for one round (DC 10 + your Cha mod to resist, gaze attack).
32) Aura of the Unquiet
You ‘feel dead’ to animals, and suffer both the attentions of carrion-eaters, such as vultures and flies, and a penalty to attempts to interact with standard animals (-4 to Handle Animal, Ride and Wild Empathy checks).
33) Light Aversion
You feel no discomfort in the presence of light, but it is light itself which feels discomfort in your presence. Your face and features are cast in shadow, no matter the lack of shade, and a simple hat provide enough shade to conceal your face from the eyes of others. Candles flicker when your shadow passes through a room, and even a hearthfire seems to cringe away from your touch. You have a bonus to avoid the effects of exposure to sun and heat, when travelling through the desert, but an equal penalty when attempting to warm up on an arctic sojourn, as the sun refuses to warm your bones.
34) Hunger of the Dead
Unfortunately, while you still need to eat and drink to survive, your body is incapable of reminding you of this need. You still suffer the mechanical effects of extreme hunger and thirst when applicable, but your character never feels hungry or thirsty. Still worse, when you do manage to eat and drink, the food lacks flavor entirely.
35) Pleasures of the Flesh
Essentially the opposite of Hunger of the Dead, you take an unusual, even pathological pleasure in one aspect of the living world. You gain the negative trait associated with this pleasure, be it food, drink, or erotic company. It must be noted that this behavior seems completely natural to you and others, not necessarily perverse in and of itself (i.e. no strange relationships where you can’t stop eating people or having sex with food), bizarre only to the extent that you participate in it. You suffer a -4 penalty to relevant Diplomacy checks with others who do not share this flaw (DM’s discretion).
36) Binding
You are now bound to something tied to your death - a weapon, an article of clothing, even a pet or familiar, almost as if it were a lich’s phalactery. While this thing exists, you gain a +2 on any save that would result in your death should you fail, but should your bound object ever be destroyed, you must immediately make a Fort save (DC 10 + ½ your current Hit Dice) or die.
37) Death’s Servant
You were released back into the lands of the living only by the grace of the god of death, or perhaps even Death itself. As long as you live you serve the god of death or Death, as appropriate. Change your patron deity (if any) to either the god of death or to Death. If you are a cleric, choose new domains appropriate to your new patron; you lose your previous domains. You may need to change your ability to channel energy as well. If you displease Death, your soul is recalled to the afterlife for an unpleasant discussion of your failings.
38) Burden of Truth
You are now aware that for every soul returned to life, another innocent life is taken in its place. You are aware of the person’s death that your Resurrection brought about, as well as their circumstances. For instance, the person was a poor farmer, whose wife and small children have no one to provide for them, now.
39) Kindred Spirits
Your time in the land of the dead has granted you affinity for those who have also been there, as well as those who should have been. You know on sight if a person has died and been revived, as well as a rough indication of how many times this has occurred. In addition, you sense the presence of ghosts, specters, and any other incorporeal undead within 60’ as if you were using the detect undead spell. This is a supernatural ability and continually active. You must concentrate to learn more specific information, as per the spell.
40) Taste for Blood
In addition to food and water, You must drink at least a pint of blood each day in order to survive. You can go without blood for 1 day plus a number of hours equal to your Constitution modifier. After this time, you must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of non-lethal damage.
41) The Line
You remember standing in line, a long winding line of souls, and the yawning vastness of some gothic cathedral in front of you, and endless graves on all sides of the stone path. It was very important not to step off the path, you remember, everyone said so, and when the mists parted and you were pulled away, back to this living world, you remembered those who stood beside you in The Line. The woman behind you was fretting about her children, left behind, while the man in front of you told you how he had buried his son’s inheritance before the bandits took his life. You feel obliged to seek out the families of these two souls, to fulfill the last tasks they left unfinished.
42) Water in Your Veins
Your skin is cold and pale, with whatever ruddy hue it may have once had replaced by a blue tint. When you are cut, pure water pours forth from the wound, and any creature seeking blood, whether stirge or vampire, will leave disappointed after a single taste. Any spell or working that requires your blood to perform simply fails utterly, and any attack that inflicts a Bleed condition is at +5 DC to staunch, as the water in your veins never clots.
43) Purge of Sin
Upon return to the living, your soul is cleansed of all the sins committed before your death. If your alignment was other than good, it changes to good. The evil purged from your soul merges with the ever-expanding plane of the Abyss, which will one day engulf and destroy the Material Plane.
44) Memories of the Great Beyond
You briefly became one with the Multiverse, and had access to all knowledge past, present, and future. Now that you have returned to life, these memories periodically intrude into your consciousness. You sometimes see things that make no sense to you, some things that are prophetic, and some things that are the stuff of myth and legend. When these visions strike, you suffer sever headaches.
You are sickened for 1d4 rounds unless you make a DC 15 Will save. There is a cumulative 1% chance per day of incurring such a vision. This chance resets to 1% the day following a vision.
45) Sleep of the Dead
The ordeal of death and return has left you slightly lethargic. All Perception checks you make while sleeping are at -5, and all of your saves against sleep effects are at -2. However, this mental lethargy is not without its benefits; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all saves vs. mind-affecting effects that are not related to sleep.
46) The Dark Path
You now find the dark much more comforting after your trip to the far side of the mortal veil. All of your saves against fear are at +1 in shadowy illumination, and +2 in near or total darkness.
47) Attuned to Auras
You can clearly determine any NPCs current attitude (friendly, indifferent, hostile, etc) by sight, without having to directly interact with them. You can also see this attitude shift when watching interactions between individuals.
48) Probation
An individual well-known to the resurrected person (GMs choice)is given a token of some sort that can be used to revoke the person’s restored life. The resurrected person must be very careful not to anger or upset that individual.
49) The Way of All Flesh
While your spirit has returned to its body, your body remains somewhat corpse-like. You gain DR 3/Slashing, but only regain a number hit points equal to half your character level after a night’s rest, your body healing itself almost grudgingly. Magical healing works as normal, but is quite painful; you are staggered for 1d4 rounds after being healed via magical means with no save.
50) Unliving
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, and your heart does not beat. You are immune to a great variety of spells that focus on these necessities (i.e. stinking cloud, cloudkill), nor can you become inebriated, poisoned, nauseated, or sickened, but neither can you enjoy the effect of spells that encourage these activities(i.e. heroes’ feast) or items that must be ingested and at least partially metabolized in order to work(i.e. potions of cure moderate wounds, goodberry, etc.). You can eat and drink to provide the illusion of normality, but you must pump your stomach afterwards with a DC 15 Heal check or your body will become infested with flies and other vermin that feed on rotting food, which are a DC 25 Heal check to completely remove. If so infested, you suffer a -4 on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks, as you must regularly pause to vomit flies, maggots, and other larvae.
51) Rag Doll
You no longer have blood, bone, or muscle underneath your flesh and are instead filled with some type of powdery, sparkling sand. Your Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 1 and you are immune to damage- and contact-based poisons, however your Strength score decreases by 2. Inflict spells, cure spells, and the Heal skill no longer function on you. Mending, minor creation, and major creation function for you as stabilize, cure moderate wounds and cure critical wounds would respectively, and Craft(sewing) functions as the Heal skill would.
52) The Ferryman’s Coins
A pair of gold coins appear over your eyes after 8 hours of rest. If someone removes them, you wake up in a rage as if you were a barbarian, uncontrollably attacking the person until they die, you die, or the rage ends. The rage is treated as if you were a barbarian of your character level with respect to duration, but you enjoy no rage powers. You can remove the coins yourself without a problem, and use/spend them as normal, however, they disappear (or perhaps teleport) back to their position on top of your eyes after you have once again rested for 8 hours.
53) Graveworm
You can eat and gain nourishment from the earth at the bottom of a grave. When the moon returns to the phase it was in the evening of your death, you crave this nourishment, and must make a Will save (DC 20) to resist the temptation. This can cause trouble in high-casualty adventuring parties.
54) To the world, a son (daughter)
Upon being resurrected, you find that you are now a cleric of the god that you followed in life (or the god of death, if you were not particularly religious). While you retain any skills you had when you died, the cleric class has essentially replaced any classes you had before. If you were a cleric multiclass, the other class is replaced as well. If you were already a cleric of a particular god, add the half-celestal (or infernal) template to your character.
55) Balance of Forces
The powers of death allowed your revival, but they balanced your return by likewise reviving a being of similar power but opposing nature. If you are good, the other is evil, if you’re lawful, the other is chaotic, and vice versa. This opposite is now destined to cross paths with you at some point in the future.
56) Dr. Jekyll
Your return from the grave went off without a hitch… or did it? Every time you go to sleep you undergo a terrifying transformation: your body and all of your equipment is reduced to a state of decay representative of the time since your death. If you are woken before 8 hours have passed, you are treated as a basic zombie for your race with the exception of your mental stats, which are retained. This persists until 8 hours have passed from the time the character went to sleep, at this point the character returns to normal with no memory of anything that happened while he was “asleep”. For the duration of their sleep, the character’s alignment shifts to the exact opposite of their waking alignment.
57) Breath of the Grave
You are slowly rotting from the inside out, but can occasionally turn this to your benefit. You can exhale a cone of gas with effects equivalent to stinking cloud to a range of 30 feet in front of you, but each time you use it you suffer a point of Constitution drain. Even when not using this ability, your breath is unusually offensive, reeking of carrion and decay, you suffer a -4 penalty to Diplomacy checks unless individuals you palaver with lack a sense of smell.
58) No Memories of the Grave
Upon resurrection, you do not remember anything beyond what happened the moment you just gained the level you are currently at (i.e. if you were level 10 upon being killed and you are resurrected at level 9, you have no memories of what happened when you were level 10, or the events that lead to you gaining that level). You will need excessive reminders as to what has happened in the time leading to your death.
59) Second Chances
You have returned, but your age has regressed, effectively granting you a second chance at life. You gain the “young” template. You are, for all intents and purposes, just clearing puberty (11-13 by human standards). You retain all your memories, class abilities, and skills.
60) Claimed
You return to life normally, but your brief stay in the afterlife was not without consequences. A future interaction with an outsider will reveal that a powerful extraplanar entity (deity, demon lord, or otherwise CR 18+) has claimed you as personal property, for reasons that may or may not be discoverable. The nature of the encounter with the outsider, and your new “patron” are up to the DM, and can range from benign to bizarre, possibly seeming “contrary” to their initial natures. Ex: A demon protecting you due to fear of his lord’s wrath if his new “toy” gets broken again.
61) Danse Macabre
To your death-touched eyes, living beings look as if they are undead and the undead being look as if they are alive, although they still bear grievous injuries. While initially more than a little disquieting, over time you have learned to turn this into something of an interesting ability. “Dead” people sometimes look like the type of undead they might turn into if so afflicted: suicidal people look like allips, those who have partaken of human flesh look like ghouls, the unusually manipulative and violent look like vampires, a cleric harboring serious doubts may look like a hecuva, etc. “Living” folk can sometimes be identified by the wounds that killed them or their gait: a person with a seriously shuffling gait due to an unrealistically twisted leg might be a zombie, a coldly beautiful elven woman with a hint of malevolence in her eyes might be a banshee, and so on. You gain a +4 bonus on all Knowledge rolls involving the identification of the undead.
62) Lightly Upon this Earth
Your soul remains only lightly tethered to your body. When you go to sleep, you remain asleep until forcefully awoken, or sunlight touches your skin. During this time, your soul wanders the places between the worlds of the living and the dead, and you may (at GM’s discretion) sometimes awaken with information about the surrounding area, gleaned from spiritual echoes of events past. Any instance of damage, including the non-lethal damage taken from dehydration, is enough to snap your wandering soul back to your body, so you can’t actually starve to death because of this condition. On the other hand, mere shouting or shaking is not sufficient to rouse you. Allies must slap you hard enough to inflict at least a point of non-lethal damage to get your attention, although any surge of positive energy will also bring you instantly awake, even if it’s something as small as a stabilize cantrip (or the aforementioned touch of direct sunlight upon your skin).
63) Milk, Coffee, Eggs, Your Soul, Bananas, Bread…
You have an erratic full body-suit tattoo in either Celestial or Infernal (DM’s choice). If translated, it seems to be the “to-do” list of a god or goddess- not necessarily one that you worship or even know of- that was somehow involved with bringing you back to life, and performing (or actively interfering with) the duties on that list may attract the deity’s attention, for good or ill.
64) Shinbone connected to the neck bone, the neck bone connected to the arm bone…
Your internal organs have undergone a few subtle shifts in location. Your appearance remains the same, however, you are considered to have the unusual anatomy special ability of the Aberrant sorcerer’s bloodline.
65) Half the minority I used to be
You have returned to life, however, parts of your body- particularly ones that may have been too far gone to “save” even magically- appear to have come from people of other ethnic backgrounds. Your appearance can be rather bizarre if you were torn to shreds by a dragon’s gnashing teeth, or, if you were perhaps destroyed utterly by a disintegration spell, you have come back as a completely different ethnicity. You retain the same race(human, elven, dwarven), however.
66) Play that funky [entrance] music, hero boy(girl)
Somehow, perhaps through a dream, magical sending, or even a celestial or infernal summoned entity, everyone you have a vested relationship with is notified of your return to life. Loved ones weep with joy, rivals groan in dismay, and hated enemies make plans to put you in the ground again.
67) We are not alone
In addition to reviving you, whatever magic brought you back managed to (partially) revive someone else. The ghost of a loved one, close friend, family member, or possibly a rival or arch-foe now haunts you. You can see them as you go about your life and they can make themselves known to others. They can be dealt with by dismissal, banishment, or similar magics and are vulnerable to effects such as trap the soul or soul bind. This is fine if you’re haunted by your long-lost lover, but your mother-in-law on the other hand….
68) Hallowed be thy name, or grave, or whatever….
The touch of the afterlife has left you attuned to the plane where your soul once resided. You now emit an aura that is identical in effect to a consecrate or desecrate spell, as appropriate for your alignment, but the area of effect is centered on you and only covers a 5’ radius. This is a supernatural ability that you cannot control but it may be negated by the oppositely-aligned spell effect for 1 round/caster level.
69) It should have been ME
Apparently you shouldered your way ahead of someone in the resurrection queue and are now haunted by that same individual, who feels that they should have returned to life in your place. This person is not a ghost, per se- they lack a corporeal form and never attack you outright and seem to lack malevolence- but they are certainly a nuisance in that they cause strange things to happen around you. The spirit can cast the spells prestidigitation, ghost sound, open/close, message, and dancing lights once per day, and casts them whenever it is most inconvenient to you. It must be noted that message is used to whisper dire threats, pleas, and warnings that only you can hear. This ghost never enters sacred or profane areas that you enter, but it cannot be dispelled or turned.
70) Waking Dreams
Whenever you rest, your soul returns to the afterlife. You are considered to be dead during this period. After 8 hours you awaken, as rested as you would be if you actually slept and with all the benefits of a night’s rest. While dead, you cannot be woken. Efforts to revive you during this time fail, as your spirit is called to stay in the afterlife by whatever power holds sway there. You remember in the morning vague images from your nightly sojourn, such as landscape, other spirits, even pieces of conversation.
71) A left! Now a right! Atta boy(girl)! No, look out behind you!
Similar to It should have been ME!, except you are “haunted” by a distant ancestor who has taking a shine to you. This is unfortunate because while they realize they are dead and cannot interact with the world in any meaningful way(taking the form of an apparition only you can see and hear, although they can turn invisible to offer you perhaps the illusion of privacy), they also feel the need to criticize, help, coach, or otherwise state their piece at the most unusual and distracting times. It must be noted that your ancestor is not a character underneath your control, and their mental stats, alignment, and even gender are determined by the DM, however their ranks in Perception, their sole skill, is equal to your Character Level at the time you were brought back from the dead. Finally, the apparition, despite being intangible and free-willed, cannot move more than 5 feet away from you and while they can move through objects they cannot move through walls or scout ahead for you, nor can they cast any spells on your behalf.
72) It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it
Although you are hale and healthy as ever, you register as undead to any spells or special abilities. Although you can make Diplomacy or Bluff checks to discourage or encourage any with an undue interest in your condition, you suffer a -4 penalty to these checks made when palavering with paladins and necromancers, who wish to either destroy or study you (not necessarily respectively).
73) Mortal Fear
You’ve returned from the grave, but it changed you. Aware of how fragile your second chance really is, you now fight more cautiously in battle. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC and to Reflex saves. On the other hand, you’re now afraid of dying far more than ever before and your fears haunt your everyday life. You suffer a -2 penalty on all Will saves against fear effects.
74) Not a Mortal Creature
Death and rebirth have taken something from you: your mortality. When you return from the grave you gain the timeless body feature and you no longer have a maximum age. You gain bonuses to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores when you reach the appropriate age categories but no penalties apply to your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution scores. You no longer physically appear to age.
75) Nameless
As an addendum to #74, when you rise from your grave you remember nothing of your past life. When you die, you automatically return from the grave one hour later as if true resurrection, miracle, or wish were used but with no memory of your past experiences. You retain all class abilities and your levels, but events of your previous existence are lost.
76) Asleep as unto death
When you sleep, you are well and truly and truly dead- you possess no pulse and do not breathe. Carrion eaters will attempt to make a meal out of you, and insects may start attempting to lay eggs upon you so that their children may feast. You can be awoken as normal, however, so you are not in danger of being devoured before sunrise.
77) No, you brain dead idiots! Gods, can’t you do ANYTHING right?!
Through frantic arm waving, exasperated tirades and no small amount of bullying, you can rebuke/command mindless undead as an evil cleric, although this is resolved through Intimidation checks as determined by the DM.
78) Stone Cold Bastard
Although your heart beats once again, you exude all the warmth and cheer of a marble statue. You gain a +4 bonus to save vs. enchantment, but suffer a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
79) You didn’t get the memo
You regularly find yourself engaging in some type of embarrassing social behavior stereotypically associated with an undead creature. Suggestions include compulsive counting, carrying around earth from the grave you were to be buried in with you, avoiding garlic and holy symbols (you suffer no damage from handling them, although they do make you nervous), requesting permission before entering a building, irrational attraction to virgins, and making monotone demands for brains.
80) Miranda
You “remember” the deaths of hundreds of people you’ve never met. At apparently random intervals, your mind is flooded with visions of death, pain, and fear. Whenever this happens (DM’s discretion), you must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d6 rounds.
81) No! I’m allergic to brain-eating corpses!
Whenever you are within 30 feet of an undead creature you react negatively to the negative energy empowering its existence. You are considered sickened for as long as the undead remains near and one round after. On the other hand, your form retains an aura of positive energy that inflicts a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks the undead must make while this close. You also save against the undead creature’s special attacks at +2 bonus as you weaken its ties to the negative energy planes.
82) You’re not using this are you?
Each time you go to sleep there is a 1 in 6 chance that a spirit will take over your body to use for their own unfinished business. Initially this will be the same spirit every time but as time goes by and word gets out that your body is available as a ‘loaner’ other spirits will take advantage. The spirits may be dismissed etc but they keep coming back. Exorcism prevents their return or of they complete the task they left undone when they died. The spirits may be of any race, class, alignment etc. You have no recollection of the events and your mind is rested sufficiently to relearn spells but if your body doesn’t get enough sleep you are considered fatigued the next day.
83) The man you could have been.
The destiny you could have claimed is now lost. Through bad decision making and just not being strong enough in whatever way, you have been deemed unfit to continue this path. A deity has bartered your soul for a stronger copy of you from another dimension. This new persona may have a different skillset, more levels, or new viewpoint relative to what the deity requires from you(determined by DM). Your true soul is transferred to the body of the greater you, where you most likely will continue to be a disappointment.
84) Beast Spirit
You may have returned with a connection to one species of natural animal, such as a raven, bear or wolf, and you can dimly understand animals of that type, and display characteristics, both subtle physical changes and more overt behavioral cues, that remind others of that animal type. As a result, you gain a +4 to Handle Animal checks for your chosen species, but suffer a -2 to Diplomacy checks for pretty much everyone else…
85) Divine gift
Upon resurrection your deity (or an opposing one) gave you an item that appears on you when you awaken. It’s a 25% chance to be a cursed item gifted to you from an opposing deity. The magical item is rolled randomly by your GM. Enjoy.
86) Groupies
You have become the center of attention of a bizarre group that takes undue interest in the fact that you have returned from the dead. It is up to the DM to determine the motivations of this group- it could be anything from hero worship (he conquered death itself!) to religious leanings (our lord has touched him!) to a clutch of pseudo-necrophiles (who perhaps lack the stomach to go all the way). This group is equal to ½ your Leadership rating at the time of your resurrection in size and never grows (although it can shrink), and your “cohort”(also determined by the DM) is actually it’s leader, not you, although you can certainly make requests of the group. They follow the rules for the Leadership feat in all other ways, although the DM can make special allowances for aloofness, the cohort being of a different alignment than the character, and the PC moving around a lot. It must be noted that the cohort will pursue you romantically (or erotically at the very least) unless firmly rebuffed (and even then, they will hold out hope).
87) Returned After Your Time
The universe seems to have forgotten that you have returned to life, or in fact, that you ever existed at all. Only those who actively worked to return you to life know of you and your accomplishments and relationships, all others have forgotten all about you, and although you will seem quite familiar to relatives, lifelong friends, and those you have been intimate with, they will not believe that they have ever known you (although you are free to start a relationship anew). Any birthrights, titles, or property you wish to claim will have to be backed up with copious paperwork as evidence, and most will believe they were forged.
88) Can I keep it, it followed me home…
As you first gained your bearings in the after life, you befriended/brooded with/captured/were going to eat later(alignment based) a tiny creature(recommend animal/vermin). Beings of like mind attract one another on the other side, so a lasting bond was unknowingly created between you both and on the soul’s return trip to its body, there was a stowaway. You and your new friend are going to be spending lots of time together now that your souls cohabitate the same space. The creature is now anchored in this plane by your soul, so it may not move more than 5 feet from you, and if it does, it reappears on or around your person immediately. It’s form can be anything from a zombie mouse, to a ghostly songbird, to a skeletal gecko, to an ant swarm poltergeist, to a haunted koi tattoo, to a caterpillar, etc. Because it relies on you for survival, the creature will not be out in the open causing problems, it will stay close to the body until permitted to move around.
With your souls touching, you and your little friend can communicate with thought.
89) PTRD (Post-Traumatic Resurrection Disorder)
You keep reliving not only the moments leading to your death, but the first few moments after realizing you were once again among the living at inappropriate moments, including combat situations. You need to make a DC 15 Will save at infrequent but regular intervals or suffer a flashback. The type of flashback your character suffers is entirely up to you.
90) Private Enemy #1
You return to life to find that you have gained a level, not lost one. Unfortunately, you will need this extra experience, as you infrequently find yourself assaulted by beings of alien appearance that literally appear out of nowhere and vanish when killed- almost as if they were summoned. These creatures attack only you, and ignore attempts by others to engage them in combat unless they are standing between you and them, and even then they will bull rush, trip or otherwise attempt to incapacitate those who seem to be dedicated to defending you, attempting to do lasting harm only to you. These creatures attack in waves of up to 1d4, do not seem to be able to cast spells, are of neutral alignment, and should be considered inanimate objects with a CR of around your level(rounding up) in combat, although their size remains on par with yours.
91) “Dear lord, that incredibly handsome man is in trouble!”
You return to life within 20 feet of where you were killed, but find that it is 1d4 rounds BEFORE you actually die, with the scene actually unfolding before your eyes. If you play your cards right, you can actually save yourself, leaving you with two of you(and possibly one extremely frustrated DM).
92) CAW! CAW! peck peck peck (or, “Hey, Tim the Enchanter sure is acting strange lately…”)
You have returned to life, only to find that your perspective is horribly off. Everyday items loom much larger, and you find it hard to walk around, tripping over your extra legs or feeling the urge to flap your arms and take to the sky. The words of your friends sound strange to your ears and you find it hard to respond to them verbally and their appearance seems washed out and/or faded to you. Perhaps after a distressing encounter with a natural predator (or maybe eating something/some ONE you normally wouldn’t), you discover that you have switched bodies with your familiar or animal companion. You are considered to have the same physical statistics as your companion, but you retain your mental statistics and your hit point total remains the same. You either have no idea where your familiar is(if their Intelligence score is moderate to high, they are long gone with your body, reveling in the joy of opposable thumbs and alcohol) or they are somewhere close at hand, shaking and scared and making pitiful mewling/cawing sounds with a human throat(if their mental attributes are below average to low).
93) “IT’S GONE!!!!!!”(for men) or “HOW THE DID I NOT NOTICE THIS???!?!?!?(for women)
You possess the genitals of the opposite sex, although you retain your original appearance, secondary sexual characteristics and appetites.
94) You do not belong here!
You should not have been resurrected and every outsider you meet; good, neutral and evil will see this instantly and be hostile to you.
95) King Me!
Your return was due to a divine chess match and you are a pawn turned into a king and your life will now be part of the game.
96) I’m not me!
You were resurrected at exactly the same time someone else was and you switched bodies.
97) Rarely-trimmed Verge
A trickster god somehow involved in your resurrection has replaced your body hair with something else. Roll 1d20 and consult below…
1-5: Snakes (non-venomous): Head and pubic area only, roll percentile dice afterwards as there is a 50-50 chance as to whether or not the snakes are alive or dead.
6-10: Quills, as if you were a porcupine of your size, those grappling you take 1d4 points of non-lethal damage per round and are sickened unless they remove the needles (DC 15 Heal check per round of grappling). This also makes sexual intercourse quite difficult.
11-15: Your hair is still there, it’s just invisible. You have to make DC 10 Heal checks to clean/trim/shave your hair on a monthly basis or risk attracting lice, fleas and general grit/grime. A see invisibility spell naturally deals with this problem, but whenever you are turned invisible via spell or magical item, a caster level check (DC 30) must be made or your hair will become visible while you are not.
16-19: Eyes. However, they are not your own, so you don’t get bonuses to anything Spot or Search checks. On rare occasion (5%), an outsider may be familiar with you and your exploits, and be willing to parlay with you.
20: Very, very fine writing that is in actuality explosive runes. It works as the spell cast by a wizard of your level once per day.
98) Here, kitty!
For some reason, ever since your return, small animals have a strange attraction to you. All Diminutive or Fine animals start one step higher than they ordinarily would on the reaction chart, and birds, rabbits, mice, etc. all tend to approach you without fear. Rogues in particular find this disturbing.
99) Rebirth
Females of child bearing age, starting with the ones closest to the resurrection effect and expanding outward in order must make a DC 20 fortitude save. First one to fail finds themselves pregnant. Pregnancy is accelerated to the rate of 1 month a day and the child born reverts to their previous age and status of the previously dead character at the rate of a year a day until their previous age is restored.
100) Biological Reset
Your body is working again, but the some of the systems have been kicked off incorrectly. A new set of teeth immediately starts growing, pushing out your current set at random intervals. Severe outbreaks of acne and a cracking of your voice might also plague you for a few weeks.