Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Class: Crime Boss

Class: Crime Boss
(Modified from Dragonstar and Mark Howe for use in my 3.5 D&D game)
The Crime Boss is the mastermind of criminal intent, all manner of larcenous activities are his domain, from protection racketeering, gun running, extortion, prostitution, bootlegging, supply of contraband substances, and so on. They prefer not to dirty their own hands with such activities, using others who work for them instead. The mark of a good Crime Boss is someone who can seem to fit into normal society as a productive member while secretly building and running their illicit empire. They are always thinking, always covering every angle, be it removing of witnesses, paying of bribes, burying of evidence whatever all in order to remain one step ahead of the law.
Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a Crime Boss, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
  • Feats: Leadership
  • Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Gather Information 8 ranks, Sense motive 5 ranks, Knowledge (local) 6 ranks.
  • Alignment: Any non good
Class Skills
The Crime Boss’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All the following are class features of the Crime Boss prestige class:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Crime Boss is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and light armor.
Racketeering: The Crime Boss is feared and respected on his home turf, and often has many irons in the fire so to speak, from petty protection rackets, prostitution, petty theft, fencing stolen good, and so forth… all manner of larcenous deed.  As such they can oversee all these “jobs” as their profession and by making an Intimidate Check can each week earn an amount of gold equal to their result x 100. in any week.  Of course all this money is rather small in the scale of things the Crime Boss is still “small potatoes”.  Note this income is in addition to any income a Crime boss may earn via profession and their “legitimate” job.
Fearsome Reputation: The fearsome reputation and respect a Crime Boss earns for themselves, means that people are less likely to mess with them and withhold information.  In Game terms this means a +2 bonus to Reputation, Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information skill checks.  This bonus increases by a further +2 every two levels (+4 at 4th, +6 at 6th etc.). 
Resources: A Crime Boss of 3rd level has expanded their operations and now deals in extortion, money laundering and other additional larcenies of a more significant nature. As such they can now make an Intimidate check each week and the total of the roll, plus their Crime Boss level x 1000gp is the amount of income they now make from these activities.  At 7th level the criminals operations are in full bloom and net a greater income each week they now earn, the result of their Intimidate check, plus their Crime boss level x 10,000gp.
Gang/Family/Syndicate: The Crime boss as he gains levels gains a greater reputation amongst the underworld and attracts more capable goons and henchmen, this translates into a +2 bonus to Leadership rolls upon gaining a new level.  They gain a further +2 bonus every two levels (+4 at 7th, and +6 at 9th ).
The Crime Boss
Level ~ Attack ~ Fort ~ Ref ~ Will ~ Special
1st ~ +0 ~ +0 ~ +0 ~ +2 ~ Racketeering
2nd ~ +1 ~ +0 ~ +0 ~ +3 ~ Fearsome Reputation +2
3rd ~ +2 ~ +1 ~ +1 ~ +3 ~ Resources
4th ~ +3 ~ +1 ~ +1 ~ +4 ~ Fearsome Reputation +4
5th ~ +3 ~ +1 ~ +1 ~ +4 ~ Gang
6th ~ +4 ~ +2 ~ +2 ~ +5 ~ Fearsome Reputation +6
7th ~ +5 ~ +2 ~ +2 ~ +5 ~ Family, Major Resources
8th ~ +6 ~ +2 ~ +2 ~ +6 ~ Fearsome Reputation +8
9th ~ +6 ~ +3 ~ +3 ~ +6 ~ Syndicate
10th ~ +7 ~ +3 ~ +3 ~ +7 ~ Fearsome Reputation +10

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