Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Feat: Artillery Mage (Metamagic)

Feat: Artillery Mage (Metamagic)
(Taken from Mega-Feats, by Skortched Urf’)
Magic missile may be the premier damage dealing spell, and your familiarity with this deadly combat magic enables you to push the spell past its normal limits.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast magic missile
Benefit: Each time you fire magic missile, the number of missiles you project is doubled. You fire one missile per caster level, which may be concentrated on one target, or spread among up to 20 targets.
You may sacrifice any prepared spell of at least first level to cast magic missile. If you sacrifice a 5th level spell or higher, the magic missile you cast is especially deadly, and each missile inflicts 1d8+1 point per caster level.
Normal: You can fire 1 missile for every two caster levels, up to a maximum of 10 missiles at your 20th caster level.

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