Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Spell: Imbue Intelligence

Imbue Intelligence
Imbue Intelligence
Level: Witch/Wizard/Sorcerer 5
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Target: One object
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You call out your weapon’s name, but it had always been silent. In the depths of your meditation, your focus is suddenly broken by the soft reply of another. Finally, it recognizes its name…
You grant an object (typically a weapon, armor, or magic item) with sentience and life and turning it into an intelligent item. Only permanent magic items (as opposed to single-use items or those with charges) can be intelligent. (This means that potions, scrolls, and wands, among other items, are never intelligent.) Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Treat them as constructs. Intelligent items often have the ability to illuminate their surroundings at will (as magic weapons do). Unlike most magic items, intelligent items can activate their own powers without waiting for a command word from their owner. Intelligent items act during their owner’s turn in the initiative order.
When you manifest this power you may make the choices of its personality, purpose, and alignment. However after it has awoken it has a mind of it’s own, and the personality and alignment may shift (DM’s choice) though it rarely changes its purpose.
You can select up to 33,000gp total value on the item, paying for its mental ability scores and its special powers separately (1 ability point costs 1000gp). You can choose to pay less, adjusting the experience cost as needed. Only the properties of the intelligent item matter and not the cost of the actual item (so you can use this just fine on a Sword +2, a value of 8,000 gp by itself). If you wish, you can have fewer special powers than you have available as an item of your mental ability scores. By doing this, you can fill them later by this power or by purchasing the enhancements.
You may manifest this power on an already intelligent item, paying the difference of cost in intelligent weapon properties.
Material: Material component of various oils and reagents worth half its final market value.
XP Cost: For every 25 gp in value, this power costs 1 xp.

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