Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Feat: Anointed Cleric (General)

Feat: Anointed Cleric (General)
(Taken from Mega-Feats, by Skortched Urf’)
You are a member of an organized, respected faith, and have a reputation as a wise consoler and well intentioned servant of the divine.
Prerequisites: CHA 13, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks
Benefit: You hold a rank in a religious hierarchy can perform important ceremonies like baptisms, marriages, and funerals, are called upon by your faithful to settle disputes and give spiritual guidance. When interacting with members of your faith, you receive a +4 holy bonus on Diplomacy, Gather Information and Sense Motive checks.
Special: From time to time, at the GM’s discretion, you may be called upon to perform counseling, lead important ceremonies, and serve other mundane religious functions. If these duties conflict with your adventuring activities, and if you successfully balance both responsibilities, you may be rewarded with a temporary action point, which must be spent before the end of the current adventure. If you act in a manner contrary to your faith, or gain an incompatible allegiance, you may be stripped of this feat.

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