Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Feat: Enable Criticals (General, Fighter)

Feat: Enable Criticals (General, Fighter)
You have learned to score critical hits on unusual creature types.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: Choose one type of creature that is normally immune to critical hits (construct, elemental, ooze, plant, undead). You can score critical hits against that type of creature, despite that this is not generally allowed.
Special: If you choose constructs, you can also score critical hits against inanimate objects. If you choose undead and are using an attack that does not suffer a miss chance against incorporeal opponents (like a ghost touch weapon), you can score critical hits against incorporeal undead.
Notes: This also allows you to use abilities and actions that only work against creatures subject to critical hits, such as Coup de Grace, Sneak Attack and the ranger’s Favored Enemy damage bonus. A construct, object, or undead need never make a Fortitude save to survive a coup-de-grace.

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