Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Feat: Lawful Landholder (General)

Feat: Lawful Landholder (General)
(Taken from Mega-Feats, by Skortched Urf’, and slightly modified to fit my campaign)
Your good service to your patron and mercantile skill has resulted in your being presented with a gift of a large tract of profitable land.
Prerequisite: Nobility Feat
Benefit: You receive dominion over a small fiefdom. You may set the laws of your region and dispense justice, so long as your laws and court decisions do not conflict with the existing laws of the land, nor with the goals and ethics of your patrons. Assuming you hire a competent NPC overseer, your land’s rich natural resources will net you a monthly profit equal to 1000 gp x your INT modifier, without requiring much input from the landholder.
By spending a CHA check (DC = 30 - Lvl), the landholder can raise a small army of conscript vassals. You may summon 100 first level commoners and experts per point of INT modifier. Every 50 commoners called are led by a 1d4th level Cleric, Druid or Fighter. It takes 1d6+1 days to assemble your army, and this aspect of the feat may only be accessed once per year. The commoners making up your army have average statistics and the median alignment for the region, and carry standard mundane gear.
Normal: A character may win, steal or purchase small tracts of land, but they have virtually no additional value or political importance.
Special: The residents of your holding may call upon the landholder for aid or to settle a legal dispute, resulting in new plot hooks and complications. The GM may activate this feature at will; each time he does, the landholder receives XP if he or she successfully solves the problem.

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